Ch. 3 - Luna

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Kiera POV

"Luna?" Andy's voice trembled, fear evident in his eyes, snapping me back to the urgency of the moment. My pack was in danger, and I had to protect them.

"Find Devon, save as many as you can," I commanded, my voice steady despite the turmoil inside me. Andy nodded sharply and dashed away.

"Jackson!" I called out desperately through our mind link, momentarily forgetting the haunting image of him with that woman. Silence greeted me, a thick, impenetrable cloud that blocked me out completely. Fury boiled within me, mixed with a deep-seated fear.

"Forget that pathetic Alpha!" Athena, my wolf, snarled within. "We are the true strength of this pack."

"Athena, we need our Alpha," I scolded quietly, my eyes scanning for any sign of attackers amidst the chaos.

"Not so tough anymore," the man I had subdued mocked from the floor where I had left him.

Ignoring his taunts, I grabbed a nearby candlestick and knocked him out cold. "Jackson!" I tried again through the link, desperation creeping into my voice. But there was nothing, only the echoing emptiness.

"He better have a damn good excuse, or I swear I'll kill him myself," I muttered fiercely, determination flooding my veins as I turned and headed back towards the grand hall.

Inside, the scene was one of utter chaos. People screamed and scattered like leaves in a storm. Climbing atop a table, I scanned the room, searching for any sign of threat amidst the panicked faces.

"Luna! We need to get you to safety," Andy's voice shouted, his hand reaching out to pull me down.

"What happened? I don't see any immediate threats," I replied, trying to make sense of the situation.

"I don't know, and I can't find our Beta or Alpha. Your lead warriors are escorting people to the training grounds. We need to get you to your chambers," Andy explained urgently, his eyes darting around as if expecting an attack at any moment.

"You can't be serious. If the Dark Wolves want war on my territory, let's give them one," I declared defiantly, my wolf, Athena, roaring with approval inside me, ready for battle.

"The Alpha is going to kill me," Andy sighed, knowing he couldn't argue with my resolve.

"Kiera! The Second Lunas are at the old pack house," Katherine, my younger but sharp-witted sister, suddenly shouted, appearing at my side.

"What are they doing out there?" I asked, concern lacing my voice as I followed Katherine out of the ballroom, adrenaline pumping through my veins.

"They were having their own little party while their husbands paraded around their fated mates," Katherine explained bitterly as we ran. Her words stung; was that to be my future as well? A mere Second Luna, forgotten and replaced?

"Screw their petty jealousy. We have bigger problems," I muttered grimly, picking up my pace as the sounds of screams echoed in the distance, driving me forward.

Athena surged within me, eager to transform and engage in the fight, but I held her back. "Not yet, Athena," I warned firmly, knowing her tendency to act on impulse.

"They are in danger!" Athena growled impatiently, her instincts urging her to protect our pack at any cost.

"And we will save them," I affirmed, pushing myself harder as we reached a large clearing where six women were surrounded by three feral wolves. My heart clenched at the sight of my packmates, vulnerable and in peril.

"Luna, we need reinforcements," Andy whispered urgently.

"They're on their way. Ten minutes out," I replied, though I knew it wasn't fast enough. Katherine had vanished, leaving me to face this threat with only Andy by my side. That was typical of her, she wasn't one for battle or doing the right thing.

"I'll take the two on the right; you handle the big one," I ordered Andy quietly, creeping closer to assess the situation.

"Luna, you can't take on two alone. Plus, there are more just beyond the border," Andy protested, his voice laced with concern.

"Then we die trying," I growled, my eyes darkening as I readied myself.

"Luna!" Andy protested again, unwilling to sacrifice me. But I couldn't stand idly by while my packmates were in danger.

A wolf suddenly lunged at one of the women, but my fierce growl stopped him in his tracks. Another growl, deeper and more sinister, echoed from the nearby forest, a presence that sent shivers down my spine.

"Andy, get them out of here!" I ordered, my attention focused on defending the women.

"Luna, we all need to retreat," Andy pleaded, but I couldn't leave those women to face the wolves alone.

A wolf snapped at my dress, and I dodged, kicking it squarely in the snout, drawing blood. Two more wolves lunged at me, but I rolled away, swiftly drawing a concealed blade. The first wolf fell to my blade, and the second was intercepted mid-air by a massive black wolf.

My eyes locked with his, captivated by the sheer power and majesty of the midnight beast. He killed his opponent effortlessly, sending the remaining wolf scurrying back into the woods.

"Who are you?" I whispered, my voice barely audible as I stared at the magnificent creature before me.

A deep growl was my only response, his eyes locked on mine with an intensity that sent a shiver down my spine. Despite the fear, I felt no immediate threat, only a strange sense of intrigue and recognition.

"Luna, we should retreat," Andy urged, pulling at my arm, his eyes darting warily between me and this strange wolf on my territory.

The mysterious black wolf growled viscously at Andy and it sent Athena to my front.

"Leave him!" I ordered sharply, stepping between them and feeling an inexplicable connection to the black wolf, a connection that defied logic and reason.

The black wolf growled at Andy again, his eyes flashing with undisguised hatred. Then, without warning, he turned and vanished into the shadows of the forest.

"I told you to retreat," I scolded Andy gently, my eyes never leaving the spot where the black wolf had disappeared.

"You told me to get the Second Lunas out, and I did. Then I came back for you," Andy smirked proudly, his defiance a testament to his loyalty.

"You're a fool, Andy. That wolf was ready to attack you," I chided him, though a part of me appreciated his bravery.

"And you. I won't abandon my Luna," he replied firmly, earning my begrudging respect despite my misgivings.

I disagreed, though. The midnight wolf had saved me. Whatever or whoever he was, I knew he wasn't going to harm me.

"I think they're gone," I finally said, exhaustion creeping in as we made our way back towards the training grounds. The suddenness of the attack and its swift end left me unsettled, my mind racing with unanswered questions.

We secured our pack, doubling the guards and dispatching scouts to search for any remaining threats. There was still no word from Jackson or Devon.

Night fell, and the pack settled uneasily. Extra guards were posted, and I finally retreated to my chambers, alone and plagued by worry. Jackson hadn't returned, and the image of him with that woman haunted my thoughts. I cried myself to sleep, tormented by nightmares of abandonment and betrayal.

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