Ch. 8 - Friends or Foes

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Kiera POV

I had intended to confront Jackson, but as I stormed down the street, my eyes caught sight of Devon disappearing into his house, a large bag slung over his shoulder. It had been days since I'd seen him, and I needed answers about everything—Marcus, the Second Lunas, and especially Jackson. My heart pounded as I marched up to his porch and banged on the door.

"Kiera!" Devon's voice rang with surprise as he opened the door. "You're still here?"

"Where else would I be?" I snapped, my patience worn thin.

Devon glanced nervously around before speaking, his unease palpable. "Do you know what the other Alphas are doing to these women? What Jackson has done?" I demanded, my words sharp as knives.

"Calm down, Kiera. Come in." He opened the door wider, ushering me inside.

Anger and sorrow coiled within me, memories of Jackson's betrayal threatening to unleash Athena's fury. I struggled to keep control, my wolf howling for vengeance.

"I know things are bad, but Kiera, we have to be rational. There's a war on our doorstep," Devon said urgently, his voice strained.

"Rational? You call this rational?" I retorted, my voice trembling with rage. "There's always a choice."

"I'm begging you, think before you act. There's more at stake than you realize."

His eyes pleaded with me, but I was too furious to care. I wanted to tear his heart out and then hunt down Jackson to do the same.

"I'll tell you something, but you have to promise to keep it a secret," Devon said, stepping closer.

I crossed my arms, struggling to contain the storm within. "Tell me."

"The Dark Wolves are ruled by many Alphas. They're invading the South to find those responsible for taking their sisters. I've arranged a meeting with one of their generals. If it goes well, we could end this war. Once the threat is gone, we can deal with our own Alphas."

I was silent, the weight of his words sinking in. I wanted to kill Jackson, but the threat from the North was real. Ending the war had to come first.

"When is this meeting?" I asked.

"Tonight. I'm leaving soon." Devon moved to his bookshelf and opened a lockbox, handing me a sealed envelope. "Take this. If anything happens to me, promise you'll protect Tracy and our child."

"Your child?" My eyes widened in shock. How could I have known so little about my pack?

"Yes. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. Please, just promise me."

"Devon, I... I promise." I took the envelope, my mind reeling.

"I'm sorry for everything. I have to protect my family. Watch your back, and don't trust anyone, not even our pack." He grabbed his bag, shoving a few papers inside.

"Why would I need to fear my own pack?" I asked, bewildered.

"You're strong, Kiera. People envy and desire you, but none truly care for you. Your wolf gives our pack strength. They won't lose that, even if it means betraying you."

"I don't understand," I whispered.

"Mates become stronger when they mark each other. Alphas become stronger the more they mark." He looked away, shame in his eyes.

"Are you saying they want these women enslaved for power? They want that for me?" I shook my head, refusing to believe it.

"Not everyone, but many. Stay out of it for now. So much needs to be fixed." Devon wiped his face, the weight of his burden evident.

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