Ch. 25 - A Friend

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Kiera POV

"I can't, I'm sorry." I panted hard, squeezing my eyes together. My body burned in pain and my legs became too weak to hold me up.

"We're more than half way there. A little..." Devon started a speech of encouragement, but I collapsed to the ground.

I rolled on my back and stared at the thick layers of tree branches filled with large green leaves. Beyond was the night sky and a few stars shined through.

"Kiera!" He growled at me.

"Go, Devon. Keep running. I need to rest and will catch up outside our border." I laid as still as a board, trying to steady my breaths. My legs felt broken they throbbed so bad.

"I'm not leaving you."

"You promised. Go!" I ordered him.

"Fine, but you're coming with me." He peeled his shirt off and I scrunched my eyebrows at him. Then he removed his pants and I closed my eyes. What the hell is he doing?

"Put this in your bag." Dirty underwear fall right on my face.

"Ew! I didn't want to know what your ass smelt like." I sat up removing the clothes from my body.

"It smells good and you know it. Pack them up and let's go!" He ordered me then shifted.

"I thought I was the Luna." I mumbled, shoving his clothes and dirty underwear in my bag then climbed on his large brown wolf.

'Hold on!' He said in my head and I took a fistful of fur. He yelped at me, turning his head with a growl.

"You said hold on. What do you want me to hold on to?" I looked at him like he was an idiot. He is a damn werewolf anyways. It didn't hurt him that much.

'Wrap your arms around my neck, brat.' His tone was deathly and it made me laugh.

"Let's go, Beta." I slapped his butt then leaned over his back and held his neck.

'I'm going to bite you.' His wolf commented before taking off.

I never laughed for so long in my life before as I rode on him. It was exhilarating and the wind whipped across my face like a cool breeze. Devon's wolf was agile to. He weaved between the trees like it was nothing and smoothly glided in the air over fallen tree limps. It was like a rollercoaster ride, and I loved it.

For the first time in months, maybe even my whole life, I felt free. My mind was calm, body relaxed, and I was just living in the moment.

The second we reached the border his wolf came to an abrupt stop. 'Get off me!" Devon shook his whole body, making me fall on my ass.

'Rude! Bad Beta!" I tapped his snot and he growled at me.

'Get my clothes out before I can't hold my wolf back from biting you any longer.'

I giggled as I opened the bag, tossing him his clothes once shifted. I sighed with relief we made it, but I should had known better. We weren't in any better of a place than home was. I still felt more alive and I was out of the territory my husband tried trapping me in.

Devon knelt in front me, sensing my mixed emotions. We are out of our pack's land, but we were still in the South. The worst part was, we were heading to the North, our enemies territory. It was hard to stay positive right now. My hand rubbed over the silver on my wrist. The burning to my fingertips was a reminder of the shackles I still remained in.

"We will make it." He tried to reassure me. He was a good friend and I was thankful I had at least one.

"I hope so. I really don't want you to die for me." I gave him a half smile.

I honestly didn't cared if I died, even prayed for it the last few days. I had nothing left to live for and not having contact with my wolf was eating away at me. I had to keep moving because I wouldn't let anyone die for me.

"It would be my honor, but we aren't dying. There's a contact I have a few miles north. Hopefully they will hide us for the night and I can figure out how to get us completely out of the south.

"You trust them?"

"Not really, they are traders to our pack and the South. I think their only incentive is money, but we have no other choice. If Dark Wolves or anyone loyal to Jackson find us, we will be dead."

"Encouraging. Can't wait to meet your friends." I stood and brushed the dirt from my body.

"Put on a sweater to hide the bracelet. I can still sense you're strong, even though you can't feel it. Let's not give anyone a reason to think they can easily take us out."

I nodded ok and grabbed a sweater. The stupid sweater did make me feel warm. It was in the high 60's outside and I should feel hot with the high temperatures our wolves run. The silver made me weak, almost human.

We walked in silence a long while, taking in the landscape and small towns we passed. No one paid us any attention and I was breathing a little easier. By morning Jackson will have scouts headed to every territory with a picture of us and we will be marked as traitors.

It was at least a four day travel to the North with a car. I had no idea how long on foot, especially with my weaken state. Hopefully this "friend" of his gave us a day to rest and maybe even a vechile.

We approached an old wooden house, brown and half falling apart. It was down a long dirt road and seemed abandoned except for the smoke bellowing out of the chimney.

A gruffly man with white hair and croaked spine answered the door. "Devon! This is an unexpected surprise." The man seemed annoyed at him. He was old and injured, but I could still sense his wolf. He was once powerful, maybe even an Alpha.

"We need a place to lay low for a bit. We are heading to the North, orders of Chase Kingsley." Devon spoke with an air of arrogance. My eyes looked him over, wondering how deep he was in with the brothers.

"I guess I don't have a choice in the matter then. Who is the woman?" He sneered at me and I stepped back. So, not friendly people I take it.

"A friend and aid to the Dark Wolf Alphas." Devon stood taller, taking a step in front on me.

The man laughed hard. "You mean a toy of the Alphas. She must be something special for them to call on her like this."

"She is special and she is under their protection." Devon growled at him and the man shut his mouth real quick.

"Yes, understood." The man silenced his wolf, but he was not happy to have us in his home. "Martha, food for our guest." He shouted to who I assumed was his wife.

A plump woman just as old and brittle as the man we met appeared. "Guest? We haven't had guest in so long. I'll make split pea soup right away." She ran back to the kitchen and I heard pots and pans clanking. At least she seemed pleasant.

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