Ch. 17 - Triple the Strength

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Chase POV

The second I walked into the meeting my nose was filled with the most delicious scent. I knew instantly and growled in need to claim my mate. My wolf, Loki, went wild in my head and it took a few moments to calm myself. We couldn't claim her. She would be the end of us and I wouldn't ever put my brother's lives in danger.

The second I heard her voice my body filled with desire again. I needed to taste her just once. I walked into the meeting with my panty dropping smirk and nearly crawled to that damn beauty on my heads and knees. To say she was gorgeous was a huge understatement, and those damn legs. They went on for miles in smooth ivory desire.

My brother scolded me as I tried playing with my new toy. I knew we couldn't mark her, but I could enjoy her a few times. I needed to feel her and it was consuming my every thought.

'She is my mate.' Loki growled at River in our mind link.

'She is my mate." He growled right back at me.

Well, fuck me silly. We both have the same mate. That probably meant she was also fated to Drake. It was rare for identical triplets to be born, but the few we read about some did share one mate. We knew it was possible, but we also knew the prophecy. Our mate would betray us and she would be the reason we failed in all we did.

'I want to play with her first.' I whined to River. My dick was so hard that I could take her right here.

'She isn't a toy, Loki, and we can not keep her.'

'She was made to be exactly that for us.'

'Look at her. Does she show any desire for you?'

I turned to the blonde bombshell and saw pure rage in her eyes. How is that possible? I'm her mate, she should be begging me to fuck her. My wolf whined, feeling rejected.

'She isn't aware we are her mates. This is a good thing and it will make it easier to kill her.' River words spiked my anger. Loki growled viciously at him for daring to suggest harm come to my mate.

'We will reject her. We will not harm her.' I ordered and there was no room for a discussion about it.

River's eyes turned dark on me, but he didn't argue. We were bonded as one and if I felt this strongly about not killing her then he did too.

I know what the prophecy says and although many have interrupted it to mean she will kill us, it actually only states she will be our end. That could mean many things. Until she raised a weapon at me, I would never dare raise a weapon to her.

I played with her a moment, touching her skin and feeling the explosion of the mate bond under my fingertips. I had to reject her, but I really didn't want to. I looked to River and I focused on my brothers. I won't put them in danger, not even for her.

I took a seat at his side and stared at my perfect little wolf. I needed to get her alone. I needed to feel her completely. Then I needed to say the words I would regret saying the rest of my life. It is what was needed.


"Finally, he shows his ugly face." I winked at Drake and he grunted at me. He was always a hard brute, but he loved me.

"Nice of you to skip out today. Chase says you weren't feeling well." River was pissed and that was never good. His human side was calm and collective, but his wolf was a damn deviant.

"I had shit to take care of. By the looks of you two idiots dressed like damn gentleman they didn't agree." Drake picked up the suit we laid out for him and tossed it aside. He didn't like dressing up. I don't know why when we looked so damn good in a suit.

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