Ch. 69 - Sordid Past

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Chase POV

"Why? What makes me so special?" She asked, fear coursing through her body. It wasn't fear of River hurting her though, it was the darkness that lived inside us.

"Because you're beautiful!" I said, but it made her scoff at me.

"Get off of me!" She demanded, shrugging away from our touch. She didn't even realize how we both ran our hands all over her body. Drake looked to me with a dark growl and she shook her head at us.

"Tell me about the forest, what power it holds, what power you three received from it?" She demanded, pushing us away as we crept closer. It was impossible to stay away from her.

"We don't know everything, Cherie."

"Sit!" Drake demanded of Kiera. She shot him a look, but she let her anger wash away and did as he ordered. Drake and I took a seat beside her, squishing her between us.

"Seriously? There is another couch right there." She pointed across from us, but we didn't move. One day she will understand our dying need to be touching her.

"Stop being so stubborn and listen." Drake demanded. I chuckled, realizing he was losing his patience, not from her attitude but because she didn't desire our touch the same way we desired hers. Drake wanted his mate.

"Talk." She crossed her arms over her chest and we both grunted, watching those beautifully large breast lift above her arms. How much longer will we have to wait until we can feel her again?

Drake looked to me and I nodded yes to him. It was time we started telling Kiera the truth.

"Our great grandfather stumbled upon an old legend, a legend of the forest. He opened the evil inside it, like the story of Hesiod and pandora's box."

"Why would he unleash evil into our world?" Kiera asked, instantly hooked on Drake's words. She needed to know what was going on around here, and she deserved to know everything.

"I don't think he meant to. It was more a desperate attempt to gain power. About a hundred years ago the North wasn't thriving as we are now. The South held the upper hand and was forcing us upward to more harsher living conditions. The weather was brutally cold with little life around to survive off of.

When my great grandfather decided to take a stance, fight back the South when they attacked, attempting to push us further North, his fated mate was killed. Losing her drove him mad. He heard whispers from the forest, sought out help from the power within it and it offered him a trade of power." Drake stood, walking to a bookshelf and took out an old leather bound book.

"What is this?" Kiera asked as he handed it to her.

"Our great grandfather's journal. It starts out with words written by a proud and loving man trying to survive in impossible circumstances. After he made this deal with the forrest, it turns dark. Many believe he lost his mind, but my brothers and I know the truth." I turned the pages to when it all went downhill for our family.

Kiera quietly skimmed a few pages, Drake and I watching her in pure delight. There wasn't anything she could do that we wouldn't find intriguing.

"It says he remarried, marked another? Wouldn't he had died without his fated?"

Drake cleared his throat. "Usually that is how it works. Few have survived without their soul mate, but never happily. Our great grandfather thrived though. It was like he was reborn and unattached from the world. At that time, people contributed the change of weather and blossoming life to the power of the forest. It wasn't known as carrying darkness or evil, but light and life.

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