Ch. 56 - Dominance

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River POV

I opened the door to my library, waving for her to enter. I needed to keep control and I needed to put this woman in her place. Mate or not, she wasn't coming in here and taking my army. Who the hell did this woman think she was?

"Sit and let's talk," I commanded, settling into my seat behind the desk.

"You like ordering people around, don't you?" she challenged.

"I like being respected, something you know little about."

"I respect those that deserve it, and that isn't you," she wittily replied, taking a seat across from me.

"Sharp little tongue you have," I leaned over my desk, my chest rumbling in disapproval.

"I thought you wanted to talk. This is bickering, Alpha," she remarked, her tone laced with sarcasm.

"I did," I cleared my throat, leaning back in my chair to let my anger wash away some. I can't handle Kiera with pure dominance. She might not be aware of our bond, but deep down she knew we were equals. "You cannot control the people of the South on my territory," I bluntly stated.

"We can leave your territory, if you prefer? You did wrongfully force us here," she responded with a cool composure.

"Wrongfully? Most of these people are from auction houses or slave trades."

"Not my people, those from my territory weren't abused," she spoke the words with confidence, but immediately looked to the floor. That wasn't completely true, and she knew it. "We can let them choose," she quickly adjusted her demands.

"Choose? Do you even know how a war works, little girl? You should be grateful I'm even entertaining this conversation after the stunt you pulled," I retorted, my tone stern.

"I simply challenged them to a duel. Everyone loved it too. Maybe you need to let our people have a little more fun, and they wouldn't so easily leave your side to join mine."

"You don't have a side!" I shouted, my fist slamming on the desk. "Kiera, you will not command my army, or even train them. The only reason we allow them to train is to make them think they are free."

"Make them think? You manipulative bastard!"
She rose from her chair, standing tall, her wolf ready to fight. "What are you planning to do? I won't allow you to harm them."

I stood, leaning over my desk to stare her down. "They are mine, and I'll do anything I damn well please to them." I smirked, Chaos loving this bright fire inside such a fragile woman.

"You don't own them, or me. You will not ever control me!" Kiera shouted, rage clear in her tone, her eyes turning fully black.

Athena! My wolf murmured with sinful intentions.

"You will obey our rules, or I will make you!" I stepped towards her, my body tensing, breaths hard. I should lock her up, send her away, but my damn wolf was raging inside me, urging me to take her.

"I will obey nothing!" She spat out, defiance clear in her tone. I took another step towards her, and she stood taller, not daring to back away or cower to me. So damn tempting, this woman is.

"You will, or I will make you." I repeated, my arm extending out, aiming for that delicate neck when she swatted my hand away. Her other hand came up, claws elongated, and this damn temptress tore open my chest. If I hadn't seen it coming, taking a quick step back, the gash would have been much deeper.

"I stared down at my chest, growls erupting dangerously from my throat. "You stupid little girl." My eyes slowly moved to hers, anger and hate filling every inch of the space between us.

"You won't make me submit!" She rapidly shook her head. Eyes brimming with tears, and I felt the shame she had for clawing at me consuming her. She didn't want to hurt me, but her wolf would never chance someone hurting her.

I realized that Kiera was like me, our human side wanting what was fair and just, but our wolves, maniacs in demand for all the control. Only one of us can have control, though.

"I'll make you do anything I want... Athena!" Her wolf's name slithered out of my lips, a moan shared between us.

Kiera's jaw clenched, her purple irises fading as she surrendered herself to Athena. I grinned as her eyes slowly darkened, watching as the two opposing sides of herself fought for what to do. Kiera wanted to walk away, Athena wanted a fight.

"You won't ever make me bend to you, but I can make you beg me like the dog you are." Her voice was deep in demand, and it had my body crawling with desire.

"Then let's see who wins," Chaos challenged, and I had no hope in stopping him. If my fated's wolf called to him, it was damn near impossible to resist her request. Athena wanted a challenge, and Chaos wanted to dominate.

My one hand shot out to grab her, but she easily swatted it away, just as she did before. This time I anticipated it, and my leg swept under hers, making her body fumble backwards. My body moved, my hands grabbing her waist and throwing her face forwards against the wall. Each of my hands grabbed her wrists and pinned her flushed against it.

"You're a fucking powerful little thing, but you can't beat me, Athena." I teased, my voice deep in her ear. "I can take everything from you right here and right fucking now." My eyes closed, nose burying in her hair to suck in that delicious scent of hers.

Her body relaxed, her ass moving against my core, and she gasped, feeling how incredibly hard I was for her.

"You have a weakness, just as all men do." She spoke seductively, her head turning to meet my eyes. I placed both her wrists in one hand, my other moving to her waist to guide her over me.

"I have no weakness, and you'll soon learn that you are meant to bow to me." My lips moved closer to hers, a smile adorning her face. She was letting go, losing herself to my touch. Her arousal was filling my nose, and Chaos was seconds from ripping her clothes away.

"Foolish boy!" Athena giggled darkly. My eyes squinted in confusion. She was definitely melting to me, but her fight wasn't over. Her head leaned back, then rammed forward, smashing her forehead into my face.

"Fucking bitch!" I roared out, my hand coming to what felt like a broken nose.

"You have no idea!" Athena teased, throwing out her leg, and it landed hard at my side. Then her fist came out, punching my body relentlessly.

Chaos chuckled in pure satisfaction. 'Perfect little psycho our mate is,' he damn near cooed as she continued to kick my ass. I blocked her punches, but she was fast, landing a good hit here and there.

'Want to help get her off us?' I demanded of my wolf. He just laid back and watched our mate go wild in rage at us.

'I like her all worked up like this.' Chaos grunted, smiling like a total dog inside me. Then a fist landed clear across my face, blood wiped out of my mouth, and Chaos was done playing.

As her hand came out, mine grabbed hers, then the other. "Enough of this foolish behavior," I spoke darkly, Chaos forward, and Athena full of fear in her eyes. She was powerful, but she was realizing that she was no match to me.

My chest rumbled as I spoke, pulling her body flush to mine as I stared down at her. "You are out of control, both of you. I will not let you take my pack or the North. Concede or playtime is over, and I'll place you in my own prison."

"They are my people, not yours!" She shouted, trying to exude confidence as she thrashed in my arms. I had her completely pinned against me, and I was stronger than her.

"And now they are mine! I took them as my own, and they will be loyal to me or face death." I growled in her face, my eyes showing her this wasn't a discussion but reality.

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