(GN) Ch. 90 - Softer Side

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River POV

I paced my study, filled with frustration. Part of me wanted to go to Elizabeth, and the other half wanted Kiera. I wanted them both, but Elizabeth was right; I wanted them in different ways and for different reasons.

With Kiera, her presence just felt natural, even when she was pissing me off. In truth, I liked her challenging me. Athena pushed my buttons and made me crazy with the desire to teach her a lesson, but she didn't know me. Kiera didn't understand the pleasure and danger of tempting my wolf.

Elizabeth knew me, though. She knew every part of me. We were more than lovers, and I trusted her more than anyone else. I relied on her more than I should, but it's been this way for what seems like forever.

Even without the prophecy, I wouldn't have marked Kiera so easily, not with Elizabeth in my life. I was being damn selfish, but I couldn't help it. I desired to have both of them close to me, and I wasn't sure how to let either of them go.

I walked out of my office, deciding to go talk to Elizabeth before bed, when I was hit with a heavy wave of lust. "Fucking Chase!" I growled. My hand gripping the door knob so tightly it was about to crumble in my palm.

I closed my eyes, letting all the pleasure my brother felt wash over me. I knew her body and how amazing she felt to be part of. The fate bond sending jolts of electricity all through my body whenever we touched, and sex, sex was downright amazing. My body felt on fire, my dick so hard it would burst, and when I came, it was like all the bad in my life just washed out of me, leaving me at peace. I never felt so satisfied and complete as when I had Kiera.

My body leaned against the door as a strangled moan left my throat the second I felt Drake. They were sharing our princess, and I'm sure she was screaming their names by now.

I opened the door, ready to drown myself in ice, when Chaos suddenly took over. My body shifted unwillingly, and my paws raced out to the gardens. Drake laid our princess beside him, and Chase finished cleaning her up. They candidly spoke about how perfect it would be for us all to have her. I was never jealous of my brothers until this moment.

I wanted to be as reckless as they were, indulge in every part of Kiera she would give us, but it would be a mistake.

'Mark her!' Chaos demanded, the darkness inside us bubbling at the surface.

'No!' I fought back. I won't hurt her or bring about her death.

Chaos rumbled dangerously inside me, moving us to our mate, then laid before her feet. I felt her brushing against me, and it instantly calmed my wolf. No darkness crept into my soul, and the beast inside me wasn't demanding to take her; he just closed his eyes and fell asleep.


I slept peacefully, in complete peace, until I felt hands in my fur. My body warmed to her touch, and I swear Chaos was purring like a cat.

"You're not as big and bad as you think, Dark Wolf," Kiera whispered over me. My snot slightly smiled, one eye-opening to catch a glimpse of her beauty.

'Mine." Chaos wistfully said.

"I'm not yours, psycho dog. You need to learn some obedience training first." She giggled at me. I rolled to lay on my stomach and to see her more clearly.

'You are mine, Athena.' Chaos responded without a care in the world that this was impossible. Our wolves shouldn't be able to mind-link.

'You'll have to earn that, mutt.' She said, Kiera, smiling at me with those sparkling purple eyes.

'Or I'll take it.'

'And you'll fail.' she quickly retorted with a challenge in her eyes.

Chaos stood, then jumped on Kiera, his paws planted firmly on her shoulders. Athena came forward, making Kiera's eyes turn black.

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