(GN) Ch. 79 - Children of Darkness

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Chase POV

My little pixie was so fierce. I was getting so excited just watching her give one order after the other. I meant what I said; she was the rightful Luna of the South. I just left out that she is also the rightful Luna of the North.

She belonged to both me and my brothers. One day, we would all rule together. I had a feeling it would initially be just Kiera and me. My brothers had some serious issues they needed to resolve before it could ever work with us all as one. In the meantime, I will play devil's advocate and get all of us together while squashing any prophecy the Dark Forest threw at us.

As I gazed adoringly at my perfect mate, three other women entered through a door, each cradling a baby.

"What is this?" I moved to the little girls in their arms. They were all from our pack house.

"This is three children born of darkness, like you. Kiera is meant to save them." Maggie said. I gave her a sideways look. What did she mean, like me?

"Ok, Maggie." Kiera moved to her, taking the little girl with red cheeks and swollen eyes from her arms. That baby looked miserable. "Enough of the Northern gibberish. I told you, I don't speak in riddles."

The little girl fussed in her arms, and Kiera began rocking her. "Shh, Ruby, Aunty Kiera is here."

Watching her cradling that baby, I nearly lost it. This woman was perfection in every way. I have to tell her the truth. We are fated, and this will be our future one day.

"Why did you steal three babies, Luna?" Andy asked curiously, his hand coming to the little girl. Her tiny fingers wrapped around his thumb, making them both smile. The baby seemed to be calming in Kiera's arms.

"I didn't steal them; they belong to the South. This here is Ruby." Kiera shifted so everyone could see her. The others in the room began gathering around, speaking baby talk as they admired how cute she was.

"Who is Ruby?" Andy asked. He knew there was a hell of a lot more to this story.

"She is my niece, and I am her guardian. The day everything went sideways back home, Devon gave me his will, and I vowed that if anything happened to him, I would take care of Tracy and his daughter." Kiera's eyes were filling with tears.

I moved to her, my hand resting on her back. This was her Beta's child, the Beta that died trying to save her. I already knew the only way that little girl was leaving Kiera's sight was if she were dead, something I would never let happen.

Kiera looked at me. "I swore I would protect her, and I will. I need you to let me take her with me."

"Without question, Cherie. We can make you her official guardian first thing tomorrow."

"That easily?" She questioned.

"One day, you won't have to question my motives with you. For now, I'll just say I won't ever let you be harmed, not in any way." I gave her a soft kiss on the forehead. "Devon would be proud you stepped up and raised her as your own."

"He and Tracy would be here to do it themselves if it wasn't for me. It's the least I can do to honor him." Her words carried a weight of guilt, yet it wasn't her fault. If anything, it was my brothers and I who bore the responsibility for his death.

"I can't believe she survived?" One woman from her pack smiled with large tears falling from her eyes.

"I didn't even know Tracy was pregnant," another said.

"They didn't tell many people. Ruby was born at five months. This little fighter was two months premature. Maggie and the other nurses believe it was the Dark forest that gave her the strength." Kiera spoke as she watched over the little girl, now smiling in her arms.

"The Dark Forest has real power then?" I could see the fear in her pack member's eyes.

"Yes, but I don't know what exactly." Kiera looked back at me. "I would like to try and speak with the oracles again." She asked me.

"We will make time. My brothers and I wanted to all go together about our little prophecy, too."

"Prophecy?" Andy asked. That delta was noisy.

"Something about bringing darkness to the world. We don't have any real answers yet, but we will." Kiera nodded to him with determination.

"And the other two?" Andy questioned, pointing to the other babies held by two nurses.

"They both show signs of the darkness. Flashes of black eyes, constantly crying, and all with an insatiable hunger." Maggie answered.

"What does the forest want with them?" Kiera whispered her words more a pondering of the situation than seeking an answer from anyone.

I thought it over for a moment. "They are all children from the South but born in the North. The forest has always asked for children of the light. Maybe the South is the light, and the North is the dark."

"Are they building an army or something? It still doesn't make sense." Andy questioned.

"Maybe they are choosing their wolves." I blurted out. The idea just came to me. "Zeus!" I said with wide eyes. If the story of Lupus is true, then maybe the forest is picking allies of Dietus to be born as his protectors.

"What does Zeus mean?" Kiera looked at me puzzled.

"Uhm, it's complicated. I have to talk to my brothers."

"Chase, you can't tell Drake and River. The oracles want Ruby dead, remember? They begged you to kill the children born of darkness. I won't let that happen." Kiera growled at me, ready to attack at the thought of her being harmed. Then little Ruby looked at me dead in the eyes, and they sparkled black. It wasn't a dull color but a shimmering darkness.

"That's fucking creepy!" I said, startled. I have never been scared of a baby, but this one is undeniably creepy.

"She is just an infant." Kiera scolded me, and I couldn't help but smile at her. She was already so protective of the child.

"My brothers would never kill a baby, Kiera. I promise to ensure she stays with you, and we will figure this out. This is too big to leave my brothers out of though. Drake has probably already done a ton of research since that night too. He might have some answers."

"River has made it clear he doesn't want me to leave. I have to go home and make things right, and I need Ruby with me. It's not just about protecting her. I feel like she needs me." Kiera looked at the other babies. "They all need to return home."

"We will figure it out. I promise."

Just as I was about to leave, River snarled at me through our mind link. 'The Alphas from the South are here.'

'Jackson!' I growled back to him, making everyone in the room turn to me.

'No! He is still missing.'

'I'll be there in ten. We have other matters to discuss too.' I replied, debating if I should tell them everything Kiera was planning. On the one hand, they were my brothers, whom we kept no secrets from. On the other hand, Kiera was my fated mate and asked me to show her trust.

"The rest of the South is here. I have to go deal with them." I spoke with deep anger in my tone to Kiera. It wasn't meant for her, but I found all this frustrating. I didn't like complicated; I liked fun.

"I'm coming too!" Kiera moved to hand Ruby back to Maggie.

"No, you can't be everywhere, Kiera. You need to make a real plan and get these babies set up in the barracks. If you plan to travel with them, you need more than some food." I turned to one of my nurses. "Name?" I asked her.

"People usually call me Nurse Beth."

"A nurse, good. You will accompany your Luna to the South. They need someone in the medical field to watch over these kids."

"Of course. I would be honored." Nurse Beth gave me a nod of respect.

"Thank you, Chase," Kiera spoke, her eyes glistening with genuine gratitude.

I saw the sincerity in her eyes and cursed at myself. I couldn't let her down, which meant I had to keep this from my brothers. It was their fault anyway. If they just accepted that she is our Luna, the woman we need to fulfill every wish she desires, then there would be no need for deception.

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