(GN) Ch 115 - Danger

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River POV

For over a week, we delved deep into ancient tomes, unraveling every spell, dissecting every story, and pondering every fairytale, desperate for even the faintest hint of an answer. Yet, despite our tireless efforts, every page turned revealed nothing but the grim reality of our situation.

The more I thought about it, the more I wondered if my brother and mine despise was the only way. The weight of our predicament pressed heavily upon me, my thoughts swirling in a tempest of uncertainty. Would we be compelled to make the ultimate sacrifice, laying down our lives so that others might endure? So Kiera could live?

Just thinking of her name sent a jolt of anguish coursing through my veins. Her rejection echoed endlessly in my mind, a cruel reminder of the pain that gripped my soul. I felt the raw ache of loss, my wolf abandoning me to suffer alone in the frail vessel of my human form. Though I knew my suffering paled in comparison to my younger brother's torment, the sting of rejection cut deep all the same.

Drake entered his library bearing three plates laden with food, the aroma wafting through the air and turning my empty stomach with a nauseating churn.

"Any progress?" His inquiry hung heavy in the somber atmosphere.

"Nothing," I grunted, slamming my book shut in frustration. "All week, we've unearthed nothing. Perhaps it's time we put an end to this charade with Kiera and seal off the forest for good."

"Seal it off?" Drake's brow furrowed with concern as he set the plates down. "Dietus will find a way out."

"Then we'll burn it to the ground," I declared, desperation seeping into my voice.

"I doubt fire can vanquish an immortal god in spirit form," Drake countered calmly.

"Then what?" I erupted, my frustration boiling over.

"Just eat and keep reading. We will find something," Drake insisted, his voice steady despite my outburst of anger.

"I don't need food," I retorted, flinging my plate against the wall in frustration, the crash echoing through the silent library as the food scattered across the floor.

Drake sighed, rubbing his temples wearily. "You need to stop acting like a spoiled five-year-old brat, River. Chase and I won't reject her. We will do nothing but search for a way to lock Dietus away, even if it means we spend our lives in this library and nothing else."

"This is foolish! We are Alphas! We should be..." My words trailed off as the realization hit me. What were we supposed to be doing? It was clear that sitting in this library and reading wasn't enough.

"What, River? We should be protecting our people? We should be running our pack? What exactly do you think this is all for? Yes, we want to save Kiera from any darkness, but we also want to rid our people of this threat. Just sit down and eat. You haven't eaten in days, and don't try to deny it," Drake reasoned, his voice laced with concern.

He was right. I hadn't eaten in days. It wasn't just the rejection or the lack of enthusiasm to spend our days hidden in a library. It was something much bigger than all that. With a heavy sigh, I sank into the chair, feeling the weight of exhaustion bearing down on me.

"Listen, brother," Drake began, setting down his fork and fixing me with a determined gaze. "We are all off balance, and we are all missing our mate."

"I don't miss her," I spat out, the words heavy with frustration. It would be a relief to know where she was, to have some assurance of her safety, even if I didn't want her by my side.

"You do! We all do, but we need answers before we can reach her," Drake insisted, his voice a firm anchor in the tumult of my thoughts.

"I won't ever go to her," I declared, driving my fork into a large chicken breast and tearing off a piece with a force that mirrored my internal turmoil. The taste was bitter, threatening to choke me, but I swallowed it down, refusing to betray any weakness.

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