Ch. 24 - One Person

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Kiera POV

By sunset I was dragged back to my cell by a guard. I guess my sister grew bored of me. Despite hours of torture and humiliation my body was feeling less pained. I was hosed down and given an old dirty shirt to wear then locked away again.

I stared at the cement wall, half alive, half dead, wearing just an oversized t-shirt with holes and stains. I thought about everything that happened these last few weeks, and I didn't know who I was anymore.

My stomach twisted in knots every time I remembered Jackson speaking a kind word to me. I couldn't get over how fake it all was. How could someone treat me with so much love, but not actually love me?

I pondered at the idea of escaping. I had no clue how to get away, especially with this bracelet digging into my skin. I did fantasy about starting over though. I was raised to be a Luna, but I didn't want that responsibility anymore. It was ingrained in me to lead, but after seeing the people I loved and cared for my whole life shun me, I couldn't handle it ever again.

I had no idea what I would do if I ever saw my freedom again. I had no idea who I would become if not this pack's Luna and Jackson's wife.

A pair of three green eyes haunted me though. I wouldn't think of them or the foolish ways I was with either brother. I don't know how I've could let myself even touch them, let alone give them my body. They were the enemy and they started a long and brutal war. They were monsters that killed at whim. They were just as heartless and dangerous as my husband.

"Kiera!" A familiar voice called out to me. I heard my cell door open and groaned in pain. I couldn't handle anymore shame or abuse. My soul was depleted of any life.

"Kiera! I need you to get up." Devon was beside my crappy bed made of metal.

"Please don't make me. I can't handle anymore, please." I cried, hoping he left me alone. I needed one night of peace, one day of solace.

"Hey, what's wrong?" His soft hand laid across my forehead to check for a temperature, then he slowly turned my waist so I faced him. He was wearing a black t-shirt and grey jogging pants. Not the normal attire for our Beta.

"What's wrong?" My eyebrows shot up at him. He looked as handsome as ever, but there was deep concern written all over his face. He was sweaty and breathing hard like he ran ten miles to get here.

"Sorry." He gave me a half smile. His red chapped lips curling slightly against his dark skin.

I wanted to believe he was the same Devon I had always known. He looked like him, but I couldn't trust kindness the same way as I did before.

"I didn't know they were going to humiliate you in the middle of the town like that. I tried to get to you as fast as I could, but Jackson was being an ass."

"Why are you here?" I sighed to him. He was speaking softly. His hand ran gently through my hair. I didn't understand what game this was.

"I'm here to get you out. Can you stand? Can you run?" His eyes held all seriousness.

"Is this some kind of test? Tell Jackson I'm not interested. I just need to rest a little more."

"Kiera, this isn't a test. Jackson will never let you go. The more you resist, the worse he will do to you. We have to leave tonight."

"We? Tonight?" I slowly sat up.

My body stilled ached but the searing pain had subsided. Devon looked disheveled with worry. His eyes were almost black looking sadly at me.

"Yes, tonight. Can you run?" He asked again.

I looked at him for a long moment. Did I really have one person that cared? Devon was one of my oldest friends, but so was Jackson.

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