Ch. 26 - Chaos of Fate

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River POV

The second my eyes met Chase I knew it was her that caused his pain. My stomach had a sword run through it, but I knew my brother's pain cut so much deeper.

He didn't stand before me as the playful deviant I always knew him to be. His body was tense, eyes black with fury, and lips in a deep frown. I didn't even remember what my brother looked liked without his cocky smile.

"She will pay. We need to retreat for now, but she will pay." I reassured him.

"Yes, she will." Chase spoke with a dark tone. I never heard him so serious in my life. I had no idea what happened between them, and I didn't need to know. Kiera hurt my brother, my family, and no one gets away with hurting one of us.

Drake growled at us both, then quickly turned to kneel on the ground to remove a hidden grate under leaves and brush. I knew he was angry our brother was hurt, but something deeper cut through him too. He was good at hiding his feelings, but he couldn't keep us out completely.

"We will quickly return home to gather our warriors, then we will attack. Two nights from now the nightmare pack will earn it's name. We will haunt them under the full moon and we will ravage their territory until it is ours." I spoke my plan out loud as we walked the old tunnels leading to the edge of their territory. I never believed in ruthlessly killing, but tonight I wanted blood to stain my hands.

Chase glanced at me, giving me that croaked smile of mischief. "I want the Luna for myself. I want every pack member to be aware she is to be unharmed. Only I get to play with her, torture her." Chase groaned in both satisfaction and need.

"You do want to kill her?" I asked, honestly confused at what he was feeling.

"Eventually." His smile grew until it took over his face and I let out a hard laugh. My damn brother was evil and I loved it.

Drake growled viscously at us and we both stopped walking. "She won't be tortured. Kill her if you must, but make it quick." He barked out, turning his head towards us but kept walking.

"Awe, big brother has fallen for the little tramp." Chase antagonized him.

"Don't start, Loki." I warned his wolf, who I knew was the one behind his mischievous behavior.

"Drake is all bent out of shape over the woman. A bitch that nearly got us killed." Chase spit out the words and within seconds Drake had him pinned to the wall.

"Release him!" My wolf took control, gripping Drake's wrist that held our brother in a death lock.

"Shut the fuck up!" Drake barked at Chase then dropped him.

Chase chucked, wiping dirt from his pants then stood. "He is a bit touchy." He whispered to me and I shook my head. This was going to be a long trip back.

For hours Drake only grunted at us. We didn't remain silent, like he wished, but we definitely kept the conversations to a minimum. Chase wanted to play with him, push him to explode again, but I needed peace for now. All three of us had a storm of emotions running through us, and all three of our wolves were pissed we retreated. Now wasn't the time for games.

We walked into a trusted contact's home and Elizabeth was at their kitchen table already working out our next move. I smiled in relief to her. She was a good woman and one I didn't have to worry about betraying us.

"Hey." I walked to her, leaving a small kiss on her cheek.

"Hey." She gave me a sorrowful smile. She knew what a blow to my ego tonight turned out to be.

She didn't know what part Kiera played in it though. I told her I found my fated and she knew of the prophecy. Elizabeth was understanding and helped me work out all the frustration Kiera caused inside me. I don't know how that woman did it, but she could handle anything the world threw at her. I was grateful I found someone worthy of my time.

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