Ch. 32 - Journey to the North

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I swallowed hard, sinking further into my seat. The little girl in my arms clung tighter in fear of the man, and I wanted to show her I could protect her. Deep down, I knew it wasn't true.

I was the weakest werewolf in this truck, a harsh reality that weighed heavily on my shoulders. I couldn't let anyone be harmed though. I needed to let my anger simmer out for now and I really needed to rest. The best I could hope for at this point was to strike some kind of deal with the triplets.

Closing my eyes, I welcomed the exhaustion to take over. My body was broken, and my soul felt like it was on fire. I knew Athena was hurting too. She pushed too far, and the silver weakened her even more.

As blackness took over, my thoughts turned to nightmares. Devon stood before me, tears streaming down his face, pleading for me to understand. Martha and Albert stood by my side, desperately trying to save me. Tracy, Devon's fated mate, appeared in my dreams, crying in pain over her mate's death. Her belly swollen with their child, her heart shattered as half her soul faded away, creating a vivid and haunting scene in the recesses of my unconscious mind.

I hadn't seen her in months. I knew nothing of what they went through to stay safe or protect their child. She was in the North, and I imagined her screaming in agony, with not a single person caring enough to comfort her.

After hours, maybe even a whole day, of nothing but a bumpy ride and silent cries, I finally opened my eyes, unable to let myself restlessly sleep anymore. The haunting possibility that Tracy might die, along with their unborn child, weighed heavily on my mind. Devon had made mistakes, but he was desperately trying to save me, and the consequences seemed to ripple far beyond our immediate circumstances.

The echoes of regret and the weight of truth intertwined, forming a suffocating web around my conscience. If he hadn't tried to rescue me from the prison Jackson put me in, he would still be alive. Martha and Albert would be alive too, if it weren't for me. The burden of guilt, fueled by the haunting "what-ifs," pressed upon me, a relentless reminder of the irreversible damage I had caused.

The strength I once thought I possessed dissipated, leaving me with the grim realization that my perceived place as Luna was tragically flawed. In the depths of remorse, I believed I deserved and wanted for nothing.

"Watching you cry is so satisfying," the man darkly chuckled, still sitting across from me, his gaze fixed on me with an intensity akin to a hawk observing its prey.

"I'm sorry I killed your brother," I whispered the words, not for his satisfaction, but to appease my own guilt. He did kill Devon, but it wasn't my place to take his life.

I didn't want to become a savage animal. I didn't want to be an Alpha who made up my own rules. The weight of remorse lingered, my whispered apology revealing the internal struggle within me.

Suddenly, he grabbed me by my hair. "I don't give a shit if you're sorry. I'm going to make you pay," he sneered at me, and I sulked in his grip. I couldn't even fight off this man. Weakness consumed me, and I couldn't feel anything but misery.

The truck came to a sudden, jolting stop, throwing everyone inside off balance. Men outside began yelling orders, their voices a chaotic symphony. Despite the commotion, my captor retained his vice-like grip on my hair, the pain intensifying as the truck's abrupt halt added another layer of disorientation.

"When I tell our Alpha of your crime he will give you to me. Tonight you'll be in my prison, and I'll break you day and night." His words gave me no fear though. I was already broken.

He began bellowing orders to everyone to get out. As the truck emptied, he callously threw me from the back. I landed on my stomach, the impact sending shockwaves of pain through me. Slowly, I peeled myself up from the ground, only to find guards standing around me, their laughter echoing in the air.

I surveyed a vast, deserted area with hundreds of prisoners standing in rows. Dread skittered down my spine. Jamming my hands into my pockets, I shivered as the cold trickled into my bones, rendering every part of me numb. I had never felt temperatures so low before, and my weak body protested, making me shake in discomfort.

I scanned the area, witnessing women and children shaking in fear. Every fiber of my being recognized the inherent wrongness of the situation, yet I also acknowledged my powerlessness to change it. A profound sense of disgust with myself settled in, a feeling I had never experienced so strongly before.

I thought of the tale Martha shared with me about a woman with lavender eyes, much like my own. Would she ever find herself in such a pathetic situation?

"Are the Alphas home?" One guard asked. My heart raced at the thought of seeing the brothers again.

"They arrived twenty minutes ago and are not happy. Let's hope this appeases them some." Another guard answered.

"Shit! I hate when they're in a bad mood." The man that sat with me the ride here grabbed my arm. "I'm taking her personally. She killed my brother."

"Frank! I'm sorry. Jeffries was one of our best." A woman guard gave him a sorrowful nod.

The man that had first claimed me approached and grabbed my other arm. "This bitch is mine! What the fuck are you doing, Frank?"

"She killed my brother, Dex. Back off!" Frank growled at the man and he growled right back at him.

"Take the dirty slut. There are plenty of others." Dex pushed me into Frank and he looked disgusted at his pack mate.

"You just throw us around like worthless property? You're all disgusting!" My anger surged within me, but quickly died out, overshadowed by my profound weakness. The realization of my inability to even sustain anger emphasized the dire situation I found myself in.

"I warned you once already. Keep that mouth shut!" Frank grabbed me by my hair again, dragging me towards a large grey stone mansion.

Their pack house resembled a grand castle, a stunning blend of white and silver with imposing, large round turrets. The building was sculpted with meticulous detail, each element contributing to its regal and formidable presence.

"Kneel and don't speak," he ordered the moment we arrived in a large, open room adorned with three gaudy thrones at the front.

I sank to the floor, lowering myself onto my knees before resting my head against the cold ground. Pain radiated from every part of my body; every bone, muscle, and even the hair on my skin screamed in agony. Cuts burned, bruises throbbed, and the sensation was so overwhelming that I felt like a single gust of air could knock me out for good.

The room slowly filled with women and children, their faces reflecting a mixture of fear and resignation. The guards methodically filed them into groups, assessing their strength, appearance, and potential worth with cold efficiency.

Meanwhile, I remained on the floor, taking advantage of the brief moments of respite to restore myself. Every detail in the room—the hushed whispers, the guarded glances, and the methodical sorting—painted a vivid picture of the dehumanizing process unfolding. Frank loomed behind me, a constant presence casting a shadow over my vulnerability on the cold, unforgiving floor.

"This one is young and healthy, put her in the Alpha's service." I heard a guard say.

My stomach twisted at the thought of what the Alphas would do to that child. Tears stung my eyes as I lay there, forced to hear the horrors of guards sorting children and women into a ranking system that amounted to nothing but slavery. The helplessness engulfed me, and there wasn't a single thing I could do about it.

Suddenly, a growl erupted in the room, silencing everyone. I knew, without looking, that it was Chase. I could feel him drawing closer, and a new fire ignited within me. Despite everything I had learned about these brothers, I still harbored a desire to reach out to them for help.

"What is this?" His growl echoed through the room, a menacing undertone that sent shivers down the spine.

I could feel his wrath, and I knew it was all directed at me. I reached out to Athena, pleading with her to push through one more time before we met our end.

If I could just take one of them with me, it would weaken them, giving these people a glimmer of hope and a chance to fight back.

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