Ch. 67 - Organizing

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Drake POV

"She is leaving?" I growled darkly, spying on Kiera from behind a building. The moment she woke I felt her, it was like a surge of energy fueled by fear. I wanted to run to her, but I knew she would only get pissed.

"She is not leaving!" River demanded, standing next to me.

"The barracks, River, not our land. You need to go for a run before Chaos starts ripping our pack member's hearts out."

"I'm fine!" He grunted, moving to follow discreetly behind Kiera.

"He is never fine!" Chase said, arms stretching as he yawned out. "Who is she with?" He quickly growled.

"Some Delta named Andy." I answer as displeased as Chase was that she with another male.

"I bet it's her friend, Andy, a delta from the South. She spoke a little about him last night." Chase's anger disappeared instantly and a smile took over his face. He watched them like a father would when he saw his child make a friend.

"What did she say about him?" I asked, trying not to sound too jealous. It wasn't fair he got to take her on a date without me. She is as much mine as she is his.

"They were longtime lovers before she married that asshole, Jackson." Chase grinned at me. I knew that wasn't true, so, I punched him in the face. It was too early for his games.

"Fucker! I was just joking." Chase said as he spit out blood.

"I know? And that is why I punched your stupid face. Let's go. Kiera will be heading to my part of the house to sort those in service to me."

"She is what?" River shouted and we both shushed him. We are werewolves and Kiera could hear us even this far away. "Why don't we just hand her the whole pack, hell, just give her the entire north while we are at it?" River whispered angrily. It was too early for his temper too. I needed to find better brothers.

We quietly walked into the packhouse, sneaking in through the back to not be seen by Kiera. Standing just outside the kitchen we listened curiously to what she had to say. I never cared for how others acted around me, mostly just wanted them to leave me alone, but with Kiera everything she did amazed me and I wanted to know more.

"First, I need to know how the hell this whole "in-service" to the Alpha works." Kiera addressed a woman named Maggie from Chase's section of the house. I recognized her as the same woman she tried killing only a few days ago.

"Luna, it's not as bad as it sounds." Maggie replied.

"Maybe for you." One woman scoffed at her. I recognized that woman from being from my side of the house. I still couldn't believe that vile creature Beatrice was under my roof and abusing children. She should be dead right now, but Kiera insisted she was to be placed in a cell.

"The three Alphas of the North have different ways of handling their houses." Maggie added. "Alpha River is very strict, but fair. Those in service to him have tightly arranged schedules of learning and working to maintain not only his house but the pack. Alpha Drake was all work and no play, mostly due to his former head woman..."

"Don't call her that!" Kiera snapped, forcing a small smile on my face. She was jealous, and I liked it.

"Sorry," Maggie gave her a bow of respect then continued. "Alpha Chase's part of the house is the most... entertaining. Sure, we have chores to do, but most of the time he likes to play games and allows us to have days off to do as we please."

"So inservice just means... I got nothing." Kiera looked between the women confused.

"We have to remain in the house and do as we are told. If we don't cause any trouble, then after a few years we get a chance to become part of the pack, if we want." Maggie answered.

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