Ch. 14 - My Stranger

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Kiera POV

River approached a beautiful woman that was speaking to Beta Devon at a long table we used for meetings. I watched as his eyes danced over her body, then the way he leaned to her, whispering in her ear and how she lightly giggled back at him.

I don't know how, but I knew they were in some type of relationship. Jealousy instantly fired up my insides before I even realized the strong emotion taking over.

"Don't forget my warning, sweetheart." Jackson's hard tone pulled me from my heightened anger at a man I only knew a few hours. I nodded and cleared my head. I didn't want to be placed in the dungeons and I was at a loss of how to handle any of this.

We sat around a table made of dark wood. The room was mostly beige with large windows lining the walls, which let the sunlight pour into the room.

River took the head seat and his little slut sat beside him. She was gorgeous and I hated her. Her long brown hair seemed to curl perfectly and she had brown eyes just like Jackson. I suddenly hated anyone with brown eyes.

I glared at the woman, imaging her body being ripped into pieces with my teeth. I was no longer angry at Jackson, or his slut mate. All my rage was directed at this woman who I never even seen before.

"Your wife seems upset. Maybe the silver is weakening her too much." River looked with dark eyes to Jackson.

He spoke like it was a suggestion, but it was clear he meant it as a demand to remove the bracelet. It was obvious River didn't like me being restrained. I looked at him while he stared down Jackson and realized this man was the Alpha of the Dark Wolves. I don't know how that fact seemed to slip my mind. Oh goddess! I slept with our enemy!

"Kiera has a lot to adjust to. I promise she is fine." Jackson waved off the idea of removing the silver. He knew I would run as fast and as hard as I could if he did.

"What about you, Kiera? Do you enjoy the chains your husband has placed you in?" The man gave me that same cold glare from last night. He was not happy about any of this. I wasn't sure how to feel about it either.

"Yes, I find it pleasing to submit to my Alpha." I was barely able to say those words, but remembering our dark and dingy cells kept my emotions at bay. I had to keep calm. I had to find a way to be strong, at least emotionally.

Rivers eyes squinted at me. We were caught in a staring match until his slutty girlfriend leaned to his ear. Whatever she said relaxed him, and I hated that she had any control over him. The second her lips kissed his cheek I realized this bastard cheated on her last night.

I was yet again just a side woman to a powerful man. This time I wasn't the one being cheated on though. I was the low life that let a taken man have my body, and all for a stupid revenge that back fired in my face. The disgust of this whole situation was whirling deep in my stomach.

"If you'll excuse me!" I suddenly stood, knocking my chair back.

"Kiera!" Jackson warned me.

I mind link him that I was not feeling well. I pleaded for him to let me rest for just an hour to regain my emotions before I forced his hand further. I couldn't handle this and I needed to leave.

Jackson's eyes softened to mine. "You're learning quickly, sweetheart. Let's finish this treaty and then you may go lay down." His voice was smooth as he spoke to me. His eyes showed me that he was proud I was trying to control myself, and I wanted to throw up all over him.

I sat back down with a deep breath. I tried encouraging myself to remain calm. They needed my signature on the treaty too. I wasn't denounced as Luna, and even being a Second Luna my signature would be required.

I had no choice but to ride out this miserable train of emotions. So, I sat beside my bully for a husband and our greatest enemy that devoured every inch of my body last night. Of all the men I could had ran into, why was it the Alpha of the Dark Wolves?

"Let's cut to the real reason I'm here. It appears your wife is having some personal issues that needs to be tended too. I don't want to hold her up any longer."

"My wife is not of your concern." Jackson shot back at him. The growing egos in the room was becoming suffocating.

"I don't care what you do with someone that would degrade herself as low as she has. I was simply being polite. Now, the treaty." As always, River made no sense as he spoke.

Just like last night, his words contradicted everything that came before. His body language was tense and uncomfortable, and I had no idea what could cause him such discomfort.

"Terms?" Jackson asked when no one began speaking.

River smiled to him, relaxing his tense body and leaned back in his chair. He had this delightfulness mixed with evil in his eyes. He seemed to be excited at the idea of mayhem or danger. I was afraid of what he would demand of us to keep peace between our territories.

Then my eyes caught his neck as he turned his head to the side. His shirt was buttoned tightly up his chest, but I should be able to see a hint of tattoos swirling behind his ear. This man had no marks though. He looked exactly like the stranger from last night, yet there were these small difference.

Mostly, it was their presence that seemed off though. Last night he was cold, absence of any emotions, and his voice was deep with a void of any care for this world. This man today was more sophisticated, voice stern and authoritative, but still held a softness to it.

I looked down to my silver chain on my wrist and wondered if it was making me hallucinate. Maybe this wasn't the man at all from last night, or maybe I was losing my mind and remembering things that weren't real.

River finally spoke and it had me questioning everything in my life. I wasn't sure what was real or not, but I knew something wasn't right.

"You are to denounce your title and surrendered your pack under mine. If we can work together amicably, then I'll allow you to become Beta of your former pack." River spoke so calmly as he just asked the impossible of an Alpha.

"You're joking." Jackson began laughing.

"I am not. As you know, the entire North is ran by three Alphas and has for the past ten years."

"And now you want all of the world under your rule?" I spit out in disgust.

I can't believe he would come here with such ridiculous terms. No one in the right mind would expect another Alpha to bow to them. River was just another power hungry wolf reaching too far.

I knew what he really wanted too. Once Jackson denied his terms it would give River an excuse to attack. Just like he did to all the other territories of the South. He would kill the Alpha, take the women and children, then leave whatever men were left to clean up the mess.

He could never hold claim to all of the lands, but I was sure he would try taking it by force. I needed Athena and cursed my stupid husband for suppressing her.

"We do, and we will. Nothing has stopped us from taking what we wanted before, and nothing will in the future. I would advise you to learn your enemy before speaking so carelessly to them." The look he gave me both angered and filled me with desire. He was a strong man with high confidence. He was also a prick that thought too highly of himself.

"We? I only see you, and I have to be honest, I'm not that impressed." My eyes wander over him like he was of no interest to me.

It was a total lie though. I found him intriguing, powerful but dangerous. The idea of him killing my damn husband that betrayed me wasn't exactly a turn off either. I couldn't sink that low to endanger an entire pack though.

River shifted in his seat and I could see him become angry at how I disregarded him. He didn't liked to be ignored or perceived as nothing. I knew this was about to turn into a massive argument, maybe even a war, but anger of it all filled me.

Before we could continue, another man that was the exact replica of River walked in. My eyebrows scrunched in confusion and I knew for sure I had to be hallucinating all this.

"I like that one. Tell me she is the Luna?" The man that just walked in spoke carefree as he stared right at me. His black hair was longer on top, body not as wide but still strong, and he had a huge goofy smile that covered his whole face.

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