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He Yuta frowned and asked, "What did you say?"

The young boy became impatient, "He lisa, if you're sick, go back to your room and stop causing trouble here."

"The way you're splitting it, you won't finish even by nightfall," He lisa said calmly.

He lisa's heart stirred; she realized that there was a servant in the house, but due to their poverty, they had to send the servant away to pay for her medical expenses. This young boy had taken on the servant's work. Judging from his appearance, he had accumulated a deep resentment towards his sister. He mocked and ridiculed her without any courtesy.

Being poor also had its advantages. For instance, there was no one in the courtyard, and the awkward situation between the siblings wouldn't be witnessed by others. If it were in the previous He or Xu families, it's likely that the maids would have formed an audience like an army unit.

He Yuta expected He lisa to get angry and curse him, but to his surprise, this time, she didn't curse him. Instead, she bent down, picked up the axe he had thrown on the ground.

As she held the heavy axe, her delicate white wrist seemed as if it couldn't bear the weight, making people feel worried.

He Yuta was puzzled and asked, "What are you doing?"

"I'll show you how to split it," He lisa replied.

He Yuta became even angrier, "Stop trying to confuse things, you..."

He lisa had already swung the axe and split the firewood in front of her neatly in two.

"See?" She said, "It's simple. You shouldn't grip the front of the axe, but the end of the handle, and split along the grain of the wood. It'll save you a lot of effort."

He Yuta stared at her dumbfounded. After a moment, his face turned red, and his tone was almost furious as he pointed at He lisa, "You, you, you, you really have ulterior motives! Your hand... Dad will definitely scold me when he sees it! He lisa, you're so scheming and cunning!"

"Huh?" He lisa was puzzled. But in the next moment, a panicked female voice rang out, "Miss, you're bleeding!"

He lisa instinctively looked down and saw that the palm of her hand had been scraped open at some point, and there were bloodstains on her hand, surprisingly still somewhat attractive.

She had only split a piece of firewood with the axe, and her hand was already injured? How delicate was this body exactly? Did Miss He never carry anything slightly heavy from childhood to adulthood? Was she made of cotton and tofu?

He Yuta glared at her resentfully and threw out a remark, "He lisa, just go on pretending. You'll end up killing yourself sooner or later." Then he turned and ran away.

He lisa couldn't laugh or cry. In her previous life, she had lived until she got married and died, and even now, it was the first time someone had called her a "pretender."

This feeling was quite novel. In the hearts of soldiers, the term "pretender" was probably a distant concept.

Qingmei held He lisa's hand on her knee and gently applied the ointment to her palm with her fingertips, tears falling from her eyes. "If it leaves a scar, what should we do? We need to find some scar-removing ointment."

"It's alright," He lisa comforted her. She couldn't bear to see the girl cry, especially a beautiful girl who was only fifteen or sixteen years old, even younger than her in her previous life. "If it leaves a scar, it's fine as long as I'm okay."

"What's wrong?" He lisa asked.

"N-nothing," Qingmei wiped her tears and stood up. "As long as you're not angry, Miss."

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