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246: New Year

This New Year in Shuojing City will soon arrive.

At the end of last year, He Lisa was in Liangzhouwei and could not come back. After this year, he was going to get married again, so He Sui went to buy a lot of New Year's goods, and had to spend the New Year lively at home. It is a pity that he is not a Shuojing native. Since the death of Mrs. Dahe, there have been fewer relatives in the family, and there are not many who can go with relatives.

But the neighbours in the neighborhood are very enthusiastic, and from time to time they come to send some dried fruits to eat. This one cooks dumplings to give away a plate, the other one puts a piece of marinated meat, and often pulls He Lisa's hand and says: "Lali Ah, you will marry the Xiao family in the future and become a young grandmother. Don't forget our neighbors. I even hugged you when you were a kid."

"Yes, yes, I even sew small clothes for you!"

Thanks to Xiao Jungkook's blessing, this year's meat is not enough.

However, He Lisa still paid for some things by himself, and asked someone to let San and the others take it, and by the way gave a few coaches a New Year gift. They were in the camp outside the city, and Nian could only spend time with the soldiers. She is going to get married on the tenth day. He Lisa wants Xiao Jungkook to allow them to take a leave. Sehun and his party are all friends who followed her from Liangzhouwei to the present, and He Lisa wants to invite them to join her at her wedding banquet.

However, since Xiao Jungkook appeared when she met Chu Zhao on the day of the fight, she hadn't seen Xiao Jungkook in the past few days. I want to come is busy with the things behind the case of Mingshui.

The sky gradually darkened, and the sound of firecrackers and fireworks could be faintly heard in the distance. There was no snow tonight. It was a clear night. He Sui moved the table to the courtyard and asked He Lisa and the others to come to eat. He Lisa originally wanted to help with the New Year's Eve dinner, but He Sui refused. He Sui said, "When the new year is over, you will be married, so why do you still let you work and sit down! Lali, just eat. "

He Yuta rolled his eyes secretly.

A large table of dishes, even with green plums, but only four people, but five pairs of bowls and chopsticks. The empty bowls and chopsticks belonged to the dead Mrs. He.

He Sui poured a small glass of sweet wine for everyone. This was a gift from the host family when he was a guard. He Sui picked up the wine glass and took a sip. He looked at the empty bowls and chopsticks, his eyes softened, and he felt a little emotional: "If Ahui is still there, I don't know how happy it is to see Lalicheng getting married." /

"A Hui" is the deceased Mrs. He.

He Lisa feels a little sad, the real Miss He Er is no longer there, but what she can do now is to live on behalf of Miss He Er and protect He Sui, He Yuta, and Qingmei.

"Father, don't talk about this on the days of great rejoicing," He Yuta frowned, "Furthermore, it may be my mother who was a **** in the sky to bless my sister and taught her to marry smoothly. Look at her, if it's not for God's blessing, I can only argue with me at home in this life, no one wants to marry."

He Lisa smiled and looked at him: "Yes, yes, but Yuta, I think you are not too young. I don't know what kind of girl you will marry in the future? Are other girls happy to see you? If you don't change your temper, you may really have to fight with Xiangxiang at home in the future."

"You are talking nonsense, I..." He Yuta retorted immediately.

He Lisa leaned her head closer: "Oh, do you already have a girl you like? Let's listen to it?"

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