146: Reunion

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Upon arriving at the Mengji Wang's Mansion, He Lisa and Xiao Jungkook disembarked from the horse-drawn carriage and were led inside by a maid from the mansion. It wasn't their first time at the mansion, and they felt more at ease compared to their previous visits. The maid guided He Lisa and Xiao Jungkook to the entrance of the banquet hall and said respectfully, "Her Highness and the esteemed guests are inside. Young Master Qiao and his wife can go in directly."

He Lisa and Xiao Jungkook entered the banquet hall.

Mu Hongjin was reclining on a soft couch, a red robe draped over one side, and a faint smile on her lips as she listened to a nearby musician playing the zither. There was another person seated at a low table in front of her, with his back to He Lisa, dressed in a long robe of bamboo green color, wearing a jade hairpin. His figure seemed somewhat familiar.

As she was still trying to figure out who this person was, Mu Hongjin's gaze passed over them, and she smiled, saying, "Commander Xiao has arrived."

He Lisa and Xiao Jungkook paid their respects to Mu Hongjin. At the same time, the man sitting with his back to them also stood up and turned to look at them.

His features were as elegant and graceful as always, resembling a celestial being. He Lisa had never expected to see Chu Jaemin in the Mengji Wang's Mansion in Jiyang.

The shock lasted only for a moment, and He Lisa quickly realized that this was not good. She was currently disguised as a woman, and she didn't know what Chu Jaemin might think upon seeing her. His identity was still unknown, and if he were to report this to Xu Jingfu, it could cause trouble for Xiao Jungkook.

She instinctively took a step back behind Xiao Jungkook, trying to avoid Chu Jaemin's gaze. However, she also understood that unless she turned and left immediately, her true identity would be discovered sooner or later.

Xiao Jungkook seemed to sense something and glanced at her, saying, "What are you afraid of?"

He Lisa was about to speak, but Chu Jaemin had already greeted Xiao Jungkook and smiled, saying, "Commander Xiao, Miss He."

She knew he had noticed. She didn't need a mirror to know that her complexion at this moment was probably not very pleasant.

Xiao Jungkook said, "Fourth Young Master Chu."

"It seems you all know each other," Mu Hongjin smiled. "Please, have a seat. Fourth Young Master Chu is a distinguished guest from Shuojing."

Xiao Jungkook and He Lisa took their seats at a low table on the side.

A servant came over to pour tea, and Mu Hongjin raised her hand, signaling for the zither player to step back. The banquet hall fell quiet, and He Lisa lowered her head, gazing at the tea leaves floating in her cup. Illness entered through the mouth, while trouble exited through the mouth. It was best to say as little as possible at this moment.

Xiao Jungkook looked at Chu Jaemin and asked, "What brings Fourth Young Master Chu to Jiyang?"

Getting straight to the point and avoiding any side discussions. Chu Jaemin lowered his head, smiled briefly, and replied, "I came to Jiyang this time for the matter concerning the Wutuo people."

Wutuo people? He Lisa perked up her ears and listened as Chu Jaemin continued, "There are Wutuo people hiding in Jiyang now, and it's feared that there will be unrest in the city soon. I came here to lend a helping hand to Her Highness and prevent more of Jiyang's citizens from suffering this calamity."

He looked at Princess Mengji.

Xiao Jungkook's lips curled slightly as he said, "How did Fourth Young Master Chu learn that the Wutuo people have infiltrated Jiyang?"

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