134: Searching for Someone

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After Xiao Jungkook finished playing the zither, he accepted the praise of the people and returned to his seat. Since then, He Lisa also lost her appetite, who knows if other people will come over and want to see her other talents, what if they want her to write or compose poetry? She couldn't just use "I have an agreement with my husband" to evade again.

She trembled and continued to sit until the end of the feast without any further mishaps. With the feast ending, the guests dispersed. He Lisa walked out with Xiao Jungkook, and it was only then that they could speak with Lord Cui.

Cui Yuezhi's senior concubine walked beside He Lisa, a little behind Lord Cui and Xiao Jungkook, a few years older than He Lisa, looking gentle and honest, her last name was Wei. Lady Wei said, "The young lord is so good to the young Madam."

He Lisa was taken aback for a moment and was about to say, "Why say that?" but then she smiled and said, "Yes, my husband dotes on me a lot, he always accommodates me, and supports me in everything. I feel very fortunate to have found such a satisfactory husband in this lifetime."

Lady Wei chuckled and said, "They say that the women of Jiyang are straightforward, and I see that Lady He truly speaks her mind."

He Lisa chuckled silently, giving Xiao Jungkook the title of an overly doting husband, which meant that she could do whatever she wanted in Jiyang during these days without any concern. Xiao Jungkook probably didn't expect that he would dig a pit for himself.

By the time they finished speaking, the two of them had already entered the main hall of the mansion. It was not known when one of Lord Cui's concubine had already prepared hot tea and was waiting for them to come in.

Cui Yuezhi sat down in his chair and waved his hand, "The rest of you may leave."

Several concubines and servants left.

He then smiled and said, "Huanqing, Yuyan, please be seated."

Although Cui Yuezhi was a Zhongqi, he didn't put on any airs and looked no different from a regular military man. He appeared kind and friendly, but he had a pair of bright and sharp eyes, like a heavy blade that looked dull but was chilling when unsheathed.

Xiao Jungkook and He Lisa took their seats on the chairs beside him.

"Yesterday, I was originally going to come back to pick you up, but the Princess had an impromptu banquet and I couldn't make it back in time. I finally had the chance to see you today," He carefully examined Xiao Jungkook, and sighed, "Just a moment ago at the banquet, I only thought you looked good. Now that I take a closer look, you do have some resemblance to my late brother."

He Lisa: "..."

"You look somewhat similar to me as well," Cuì Yuèzhī said. "Truly worthy of being a member of my Cui family."

He Lisa: "..."

Xiao Jungkook nodded.

"When you were born, I also held you in my arms. You were just as big as my two fists, maybe just one fist," Cui Yuezhi said, "My brother wouldn't even let me touch you. Later, you were taken away..." His gaze turned sad, "Before my brother and sister-in-law died, they thought of you. If they were in heaven and knew how well you've turned out, they would be very happy."

Xiao Jungkook remained silent.

Cui Yuezhi himself suddenly laughed, "Why am I saying these unhappy things, don't you all find it unpleasant? Huanqing, Yuyan, you've come at just the right time. In a few days, it will be the Spring Equinox, the Water God Festival in Jiyang, you must join in the festivities. I guarantee that once you're here, you won't want to leave."

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