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264: The finale

After Lixia, it was Xiaoman. As soon as Xiaoman passed, the weather became hotter and hotter, and the Dragon Boat Festival was approaching.

The Fuyue Army led by Wu'anhou regained Jiuchuan, and the successes were repeated. One hundred thousand Utopians were defeated, and the remnants fled to the west, and they were all annihilated by the Fuyue Army. At this point, He Lisa led his army for nearly three months to win the desert and regain Jiuchuan.

The people of Jiuchuan cheered every day, celebrating the hard-won victory. No one in the Fuyue Army dared to underestimate this young woman. She used victory to prove her bravery and wisdom.

He Lisa sat in the room and counted the results of the battle. The final victory was captured and gained a lot. The deputy walked in from the outside and said respectfully: "My lord, Jiuchuan City Lord wants you to stay and leave after the Dragon Boat Festival."

The Wutuo soldiers of Jiuchuan have no chance to counterattack. She had to return to Beijing immediately after she had dealt with and counted the matters here. However, I am generally grateful to the soldiers who urged the Vietnamese army to drive away the cockroaches. The people all hope that they can stay for more time.

Especially the female player.

When she was on the battlefield, she was awe-inspiring and frightening, but she was extremely patient and pleasant to ordinary civilians.

He Lisa asked: "How many days are there in the Dragon Boat Festival?"

"There are five days left." The lieutenant replied.

He Lisa was silent, "Well, once the Dragon Boat Festival is over, we will set off immediately."

People who have just experienced the war need a little hope. Staying may allow them to gain strength from it and better face the future that needs to be restarted.

In addition to fighting, there is nothing she can do for the people here.

The house is clear. When the Utuo soldiers occupied Jiuchuan, they burned, killed and looted in the city. The valuables were taken away and burned. Even the room she lives in now was scorched by half of the wall.

He Lisa looked at the map on the table and sighed almost inaudibly.

In the end, Jiuchuan was retaken.

Yunzi and Jijun haven't sent back news yet, but the news from Binjiang has returned, and it seems that the momentum is quite good. Jiuchuan was able to win the battle so quickly, speaking of it, it was the reason why she led the army to suppress the rebellion against the Xiqiang Rebellion. The terrain of Mo County is similar to that of Jiuchuan, and the Fuyue Army once stayed in Mo County, so she can seize it so smoothly.

I don't know how Yan Jin and Xiao Jungkook are now.

She was thinking that someone came in outside, but it was San. San took out a letter from his arms and said: "A letter is coming from Jijun."

The brothers died in battle, and San is now much calmer. It is hard to see the arrogant appearance of Liangzhou Wei in the past.

He Lisa accepted the letter and couldn't wait to open it.

The last time Ji County sent a letter, I only knew that the plague was not optimistic. After so long, I don't know how they are now.

The letter is not long, there are only a few words. He Lisa looked at it, and his expression became solemn.

San saw that her expression was wrong, and asked: "What's the matter? Are those Utopians that are not easy to deal with?"

He Lisa shook his head: "An accident happened to Yan Jin."

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