144: Exclusive Favor

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In the eighteen years of his life, apart from his junior sister, Liu Buwang never had any dealings with women. Even with his junior sister, she was gentle and well-mannered. He had never encountered such a vivacious and eccentric girl. His senior brothers often mentioned that he had a pure and honest nature, and although he carried himself with great pride, he was helpless when it came to dealing with Mu Hongjin.

Stuck with Mu Hongjin, he decided to wait until his business at the foot of the mountain was done and then take her back to Qiyun Mountain. How to deal with her would be decided by Master Yunji Daoist Leader.

Suddenly, a delicate and fragrant young lady appeared by his side, making Liu Buwang very uncomfortable. However, this discomfort was quickly replaced by anger. Mu Hongjin was not like what she mentioned of "I don't eat much, and I won't cost you much money. Having me with you won't be troublesome."

She didn't eat much, as she claimed, but she spent quite a bit of money. She was very picky, always choosing the best restaurants to dine at, wearing elegant clothes, and never compromising on accommodations. Fortunately, she had plenty of money and could afford it. Not only that, she generously offered to share, saying, "Young hero, the roast duck at Wu Fang Pavillion is really delicious. You should try some!"

Liu Buwang frowned and looked at her, saying, "You said you were kidnapped, so how do you have so much money on you? When the kidnappers took you, they wouldn't have left you without searching you, right?"

Mu Hongjin hesitated for a moment and then said apologetically, "You've found out, haven't you? Well, the truth is, I wasn't kidnapped here. I... " She leaned closer to Liu Buwang and whispered in his ear, "I ran away from an arranged marriage."

Liu Buwang looked at her in surprise.

"It's true! I'm not lying to you. My father was going to marry me off to an old man much older than him. Look at me, so young and beautiful. How can I willingly go into such a situation? I heard that this man is a pervert who tortured all three of his previous wives to death. I had no choice," she pretended to cry, covering her face with her sleeve. "I just didn't want to die so miserably."

Liu Buwang was skeptical. "Nonsense. If you have so much money with you, it means you come from a well-off family. Why would your father marry you to such a person?"

"That man's family is even wealthier than ours!" Mu Hongjin said with a touch of bitterness. "You don't know, a higher rank in the government can crush a person. He set his sights on me and wanted me to be his wife, and my father couldn't refuse. But I didn't want to, so I escaped in the middle of the night. If they catch me, I'm as good as dead. So, young hero, please don't leave me alone."

Liu Buwang said with irritation, "I'm not your husband." He felt like he was being treated unfairly, considering they were just strangers who had met by chance. If her family found her and wanted to take her back, he didn't really have a reason to stop them.

"That won't work," Mu Hongjin grabbed his hand. "You saved me, so you're responsible for me. If you abandon me halfway, I'm as good as dead sooner or later. It's better to die now." She took the long sword from his waist and placed it on the table, looking at Liu Buwang with determination. "It's better to die by your hand than be tortured by that scoundrel. Young hero, kill me!"

People around them were watching and pointing at them, which made Liu Buwang feel embarrassed. He angrily said, "What are you talking about?"

"If you don't promise to protect me, I'll keep doing this."

The young man was at a loss, thinking, how could there be such an unreasonable woman in the world? She had said everything, leaving him with no room for refutation.

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