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258: righteousness

Emperor Zhaokang finally allowed Wu'an Hou Heyan to lead the old Feihong Fuyue army to Jiuchuan to fight against the enemy.

Although there were many discussions in the DPRK and China, it finally subsided. For one thing, it was because of the Xiao family's reasons, so I didn't dare to say anything. Secondly, even if He Lisa does not go, there are very few people available in the court. It's better to let this Wu'anhou leader who had fought against the Utuo.

Yan Jin took the Lisajia soldiers and horses to Ji County first, Xiao Jungkook led the Nanfu soldiers to Yunzi, and the older General Huwei led his troops and Liangzhouwei's men to go together. The fighting situation was better and Jiang. He Lisa led the Fuyue Army to Jiuchuan.

The four of them, except for General Huwei who is a bit older, the other three are considered very young. Especially for He Lisa, Emperor Zhaokang dared to hand over the military power to them. It was not because of gambling, but also meant to cultivate cronies for himself. Especially He Lisa, if it is used well, it may not be the next "Feihong".

After receiving the soldiers' charms, they will leave Beijing soon. He Lisa asked Emperor Zhaokang that when he was in Liangzhouwei, San and several people followed her to Rundu, and they cooperated with her when they attacked the enemy camp at night. Kande agreed.

After everything has settled, there are only two days left in Shuojing.

Spring thunder is bursting, and it is about to sting. The willow silk already has new green shoots, hiding in the river, dyeing the river green.

In the noodle restaurant opened by Chengdong Sun, a girl in a blue sarong is fishing out the noodles from the iron pan. She is young, she can only be regarded as pretty and pretty, and she is a little shy when someone talks to her, she is a quiet and shy girl.

Two young people walked in, and the younger one smiled and said, "Two bowls of Yangchun noodles." After that, he handed over some money.

Sun Xiaolan wiped her hand with her handkerchief, took the money, and said: "The guest officer will go and sit in it first, and it will be fine soon."

Bambam nodded, and winked at his elder brother, who was stared at by the Sehun as a warning.

The two went to find a table inside and sat down, and Bambam asked Shishi: "Brother, we are going to fight soon. This time we are not going to Liangzhouwei, but to be honest with those Utopians. Since you like Sister Xiaolan, why don't you tell her before you leave?"

The Sehun did not speak.

"If you don't tell me, she is in the city of Shuojing, what if Grandpa Sun gives her a kiss?" Bambam looked at his elder brother, "We have been in Liangzhouwei for so long anyway, eldest brother, you are now Why do you become so embarrassed?"

Sehun shook his head and whispered: "If you go to Jiuchuan, you may not be able to come back alive. Why should I give people hope? I have delayed them in vain."

He looked at the busy girl in the blue dress, with a rare smile on his lips, "If I come back, I will tell her my thoughts..."

Bambam looked at Sun Xiaolan, then at Shishi, after a while, he sighed like a fate, "Okay, brother, what you say is what you say."

The noodles were served quickly, and Sun Xiaolan smiled and said: "Two people take it easy." He left soon.

Sehun looked at it for a long time before he looked back.

Gradually, it rained lightly in the sky, washing the bluestone slabs in front of the store evenly and brightly. The girl in the noodle shop went to pick up the empty bowls, and when she arrived at the table, she saw a pot of mountain peach blossoms in front of two empty bowls.

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