141: Little Highness

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The room fell silent for a moment, and Liu Buwang's voice interrupted He Lisa's memories.

"What about you," he asked, "Ah He, how did you end up like this? Is it a disguise? Young Master Qiao is probably not your husband right."

This was a long story. He Lisa smiled and said, "Master, I'm no longer called He Rufei, I'm called He Lisa. That person... is my superior, and we came to Jiyang to find someone, so we pretended to be husband and wife. As for disguise, I didn't disguise myself; I look like this now. The way I used to look, I can't go back to it."

Liu Buwang thought for a moment and then nodded, saying, "I understand."

He was always like that, very considerate of others' affairs. If someone didn't want to talk about something, he wouldn't push them to share. Some might find this cold, but for He Lisa at the moment, not being pressed for answers was a relief.

After a while, Cui Jiao knocked on the door of the inner room and came out, holding the little girl from earlier.

The little girl had apparently recovered from the effects of the drugs and had regained some strength. Her face was clean, and she looked to be around ten years old, with a beautiful and lively appearance. Her eyes were as captivating as black jade, and she had a charming and dignified presence. Hong Qiao had braided her hair into a long braid, adorned with small bells. She was dressed in a red riding outfit, borrowed from the Cui family's steward. As she walked, the bells jingled, making her look cute and spirited, with a touch of elegance that set her apart from ordinary girls.

Liu Buwang gazed at her, somewhat entranced.

He Lisa smiled and asked, "Has she eaten yet?"

Cui Jiao looked uncomfortable and replied, "Madam, the young lady doesn't want to eat."

He Lisa then asked, "Why don't you want to eat? Aren't you hungry?"

The little girl turned her head to the side, ignoring her words, and appeared a bit proud.

"Perhaps it's because she are something wrong earlier and doesn't want to trust anyone again," Liu Buwang lightly chuckled and looked at the young girl. "Young lady, since we've already rescued you from the bandits, we won't harm you. Otherwise, we wouldn't have brought you back to our residence. You can rest assured. If you don't believe us, we can eat together. That way, you won't go hungry, and you won't have to worry about any issues."

Liu Buwang always carried a sense of gentle detachment, and his elegant demeanor made it easy for people to feel positively disposed towards him, including this young girl. After staring into his eyes for a while, she said, "Okay."

Her attitude had softened.

He Lisa breathed a sigh of relief and instructed Cui Jiao to prepare some easily digestible food that children like to eat. Cui Jiao complied, and Liu Buwang asked, "What's your name?"

"Xiao Lou." The young girl was less arrogant in front of Liu Buwang and a bit more obedient.

"That's a nice name," Liu Buwang smiled. "Whose child are you, and how did you end up being kidnapped?"

As soon as this was mentioned, Xiao Lou closed her mouth and refused to speak any further.

He Lisa and Liu Buwang exchanged glances. This child seemed to have a strong sense of caution, and they wondered what she had experienced before.

While they were contemplating, Xiao Lou's gaze fell on the long zither on the table. She looked at it for a while and asked Liu Buwang, "Is this your zither?"

She had a good eye, He Lisa thought. She could tell at a glance that this kind of romantic and delicate instrument was not suitable for her.


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