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194: See Yuta

He Lisa slept very late this night at Xiao's house.

This is not Liangzhou Guardian, there is a middle door between the room and the room. He Lisa is probably more nervous when he knows that Xiao Jungkook is next door. I don't know if it is her illusion, I always feel that Xiao Jungkook treats herself much more tenderly now. For Xiao Jungkook, it may be a trivial thing to do casually, but for her, it is always easy to stir up the most secret emotions in her heart.

He Lisa turned over, but now she herself has a special identity. Once she returned to Shuojing, everything about Xu Hanbin and He Rufei was in front of her. Anyone with whom she was with was a drag. Xiao Jungkook was already carrying the deep hatred of the Xiao family, if he hurt him again... He Lisa took a deep breath and looked at the tent on his head. It was really not a good idea.

With all sorts of messy thoughts in her mind, she didn't fall asleep until midnight. When I woke up the next day, it was three shots a day.

She was stunned, turned over and sat up. He changed his clothes and opened the door, facing the steps in the yard, sitting an eight or nine-year-old little maid, chubby, holding his face and looking at the ant in the corner seriously. He heard the movement and raised his head, revealing a Zhang Yuanyuan's face resembles a New Year picture doll, his smiling eyes narrowed into a slit: "Master He is awake!"

She patted the dust on her clothes and stood up, and ran towards He Lisa. The child was too young and was walking with short legs. He Lisa was afraid that she would fall.

He Lisa asked: "You are..."

"The slave is called Ginkgo," the little girl replied obediently: "The second young master asked the slave to take care of you, but if the master didn't call, you can't enter the master's house. The slave wakes up, and the slave goes to the kitchen to have an early meal. ."

Her voice is also soft and glutinous. He Lisa couldn't help but touched her head and asked: "Where is your second young master?"

"The second young master went out early in the morning," Ginguo replied with a smile. "The second young master said when he left, you don't have to be restrained. If you don't want to stay in the house, you can leave the house and do the work by yourself. Just come back early in the evening. "She thought of something, and added: "There is a silver ticket in the wooden drawer on the table in the son's room. The second young master said that the son can hold it, and if he has any other needs, he directly told the slave and the slave. Grandma reported it."

This little girl is still full of uncontrollable milkiness, but she speaks eloquently, He Lisa laughs, "You are so young, why would your second master let you serve me?"

"The servant's father is in charge of the house," Ginguo proudly stood up. "The second young master ordered the servant, and the servant will definitely be able to take care of the good son."

"Thank you, then." He Lisa smiled.

Ginguo was very excited. It seemed that it was the first time he had received such a major errand. He replied: "The son is a friend of the second young master. You don't have to say thanks to the slave and the maidservant. The slave and maid will go to the kitchen. Master wait a minute, hot water is available. Put it in the silver kettle, right at the gate of the yard. The son needs to wash his face and he can pour directly. The second young master said that the son is not happy to touch people. You don't need to be a slave and maidservant for these little things of pouring water." She stuck out her tongue and ran away.

He Lisa looked at her back and thought, Xiao Jungkook was thoughtful. Looking for such a little girl is simple and naive, and probably even if she sees something wrong with her, she won't think about anything else. What if someone else is clever and smart, and if she accidentally discovers her identity?

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