123: Happy News*

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* refer to wedding news

In Liangzhou Garrison, this winter is extremely cold. For half of the month, it has been snowing heavily, and even on days without snow, the sun rarely makes an appearance.

Firewood and charcoal are in short supply. Fortunately, the new county magistrate in Liangzhou was proactive and sent some charcoal from the county office's storage to the Garrison, which can be seen as building a good relationship with the Right Army Commander. This new county magistrate is quite young, with no family support, yet he appears sophisticated and considerate in his actions.

Lin Taehyung was very pleased with this new county magistrate.

Time has passed, and it's already been two months. The year is coming to an end, and soon it will be the New Year. With the arrival of the New Year, it will mark a new beginning for the recruits of Liangzhou Garrison, who will finally leave behind the title of "new recruits."

Inside the room, Xiao Jungkook was having a conversation with Chiwu and Fei Nu.

"We've received another letter from the fief, a letter every month, and this is the second one," says Chiwu as he retrieves the letter from his pocket and hands it to Xiao Jungkook.

The news of Lei Hou's capture and imprisonment in the dungeon was known only to the instructors, Chiwu, and a few others. The new recruits in Liangzhou Garrison were unaware of it. They believed Lei Hou had deserted, and Xiao Jungkook ordered Lei Hou to continue communicating with the contact person hidden in Jilisag, falsely claiming that he had escaped from Liangzhou Garrison and was evading pursuers. He inquired about what to do next.

The contact person in Jilisag was cunning and did not directly instruct Lei Hou in the letter. They only mentioned that Lei Hou should hide and that their master would send someone to pick him up.

Xiao Jungkook read the letter meticulously and then handed it to Fei Nu. After Fei Nu and Chiwu had read it, they both wore grim expressions.

The contact person stated in the letter that since Ridamuzi had been exposed, the Liangzhou Garrison's move had been rendered useless. They advised Lei Hou to find a way to conceal himself, wait for the situation to calm down, and someone from Shuojing would come to pick him up. After this letter, they wouldn't continue the correspondence. In these turbulent times, if this were to raise any suspicions and jeopardize their grand plan, they, as insignificant individuals, couldn't bear the consequences.

"What should we do?" Chiwu asked. "Does this person mean that they won't send any more messages in the future?" Xiao Jungkook replied, "Lei Hou is already a liability."

"But Jilisag..." Fei Nu hesitated, "Is the Commander planning to go to Jilisag?"

"Even if there's no messenger, just based on Chai Anxi being in Jilisag, I still need to make a trip," Xiao Jungkook said as he placed the letter on the burning candle on the table. The flames licked at the paper, and in moments, it turned to ashes.

Chai Anxi was a former aide of Xiao Zhongwu.

During the Battle of Mingshui, Xiao Zhongwu and several tens of thousands of soldiers were killed, including his aides. Chai Anxi was declared dead without a corpse to be found. Though it was believed he had likely perished, Xiao Jungkook had been discreetly investigating Chai Anxi's whereabouts for several years. Time had finally favored the determined, as Chai Anxi was confirmed to be alive and had even taken on a new identity in Jilisag.

Jilisag falls under the jurisdiction of Mengji Wang's fief. People from outside the territory can enter the city with official permits. Even with permits, outsiders cannot reside there. Chai Anxi has been living there for years, which explains why he had remained hidden from prying eyes.

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