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Autumn geese flew diagonally across the sky, the scent of osmanthus blossoms wafted through the air, and the scorching heat of summer had finally faded, leaving behind the coolness of late autumn dew.

After washing up, He lisa took the pear and took a bite. It was so sour that she almost lost a tooth. Seeing her puckered eyes, bambam scratched his head sheepishly. "The wild ones in the woods aren't fully ripe yet. They should be sweeter after a while. But in this season of autumn, there are plenty of wild fruits in the mountains. After our daily training, we can secretly pick a few. These sour pears can be preserved with sugar to make rock sugar snow pears. They're delicious!"

This child always had eating on his mind. He lisa said, "There's no sugar here."

"Not necessarily," Hong mingyu, who had been eavesdropping on their conversation, chimed in, "Today is the rewards ceremony. He lisa, you and Sehun got first place in the flag competition. There might be some sweets in your rewards. There might even be other delicious things, like those rock sugar snow pears!"

Upon hearing this, bambam suddenly became excited. "That's right, Brother Ah He, tonight is the rewards ceremony. Have you thought about what you want?"

"It's not necessarily that I'll get whatever I want," He lisa chuckled. "The garrison here isn't like the capital. We're short on supplies."

"Hmph, he just wants to join the Nine Banner Battalion," Hong mingyu also took a bite of a pear and mumbled, "With such a simple request, it will definitely be granted."

After all, Flying Phoenix General should be sought after wherever he goes. He lisa felt a hint of satisfaction.

During the day, everything proceeded as usual, with training still taking place at the training ground. However, in the evening, everyone gathered outside the training ground to enjoy the moon. In Liangzhou, it wasn't like the capital, where nobles would host banquets in their courtyards or on boats, inviting colleagues and friends to feast on a sumptuous spread. In Liangzhou, moon-watching was simpler: lighting a bonfire, sitting around it, enjoying rare treats, and maybe a bit of yellow alcohol. Companions chatted, boasting and sharing stories, while they ate and drank, enjoying the moonlight.

After the afternoon training session, He lisa went back to her room and changed into clean clothes. Liangzhou recruits had uniforms for all seasons: spring, summer, autumn, and winter. The spring and autumn uniforms could be worn interchangeably, with one set in red and the other in black, simple and durable. He lisa changed into the red one and went to find Cheng jimin.

The basket was exquisitely made, adorned with a carving of Chang'e flying to the moon. When she opened it, she found neatly arranged mooncakes inside. The aroma was enticing, and they looked as good as they probably tasted.

"Brother He, this is for you," Cheng jimin whispered, "The mooncakes the garrison provides are too rough. I'm giving you the one someone else gave me."

"Thank you." In truth, He lisa wasn't particularly interested in pastries, but if she gave this basket of mooncakes to bambam, the boy would probably jump with joy.

"You've never had this kind before, right?" A touch of sympathy crossed Cheng jimin's eyes, followed by a hint of pride. "This isn't the best. The mooncakes from Drunken Jade Pavilion in Shuo Jing is truly unparalleled. When we return to the capital, I'll treat you to a meal there. Just between us, my uncle also loves the food at Drunken Jade Pavilion."

He lisa thought that Cheng jimin, like He Yuta, had an unconditional and adoring reverence for Xiao Jungkook. It seemed that as long as they gained Xiao Jungkook's approval, things were bound to go well.

Well, to be honest, Xiao Jungkook was indeed impressive.

It seemed that there would be meat to eat tonight.

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