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At the entrance of Le Tong Manor, a woman with a flower hairpin stopped He lisa and coquettishly said, "Young master, this is a gambling house."

The woman was momentarily stunned, but before she could respond, He lisa had already walked inside.

The woman standing outside the gambling house was a courtesan. Since the clientele at Le Tong Manor were mostly from wealthy families, money wasn't a big concern. Therefore, she had learned to judge people by their appearance. If someone looked less affluent, she would advise them to stay away. First, it wasn't pleasant to see poor people walking around inside, potentially dirtying the embroidered carpets. Second, poor people cared more about their money and couldn't afford to lose. If they lost, they'd cry and complain, disturbing the pleasure of the wealthy.

With He lisa's worn-out clothes, she definitely didn't look like a young master from a wealthy family. Unfortunately, the courtesan hadn't managed to stop her before she entered uninvited.

Inside the gambling house, voices were clamoring, and everyone had a rosy complexion. Those who won were naturally filled with joy, while the losers wore expressions of frustration. A stack of silver notes was pulled out from someone's pocket after a round, and they shouted, "Another round!"

He lisa looked around, feeling that what others said about the gambling house being a place where money flowed like water was indeed true.

After dealing with Wang Jiugui earlier, she had asked him one question: which was the biggest gambling house in the city. As a street thug, Wang Jiugui would undoubtedly know, and indeed, he had told her about Le Tong Manor.

He lisa had never been to a gambling house before. From the time she joined Fu Yue Army, because her identity was special, places with many people were places she couldn't go, let alone gambling houses. After joining the Fu Yue Army and when she returned to the capital after a victorious battle, He Yuta also returned. She became the second young lady of the He family, and lowly places like these were even more off-limits for her. As a result, she didn't even know where the gambling house was located; it was her first time encountering such a situation.

Some people were playing dice games, guessing the numbers rolled in the cup. It was the simplest game, and the most people participated in it. After each round, the sound of silver coins clinking was overwhelming, almost blinding He lisa's eyes. Finally, a faint smile appeared on her lips.

The He family was really too poor, but He Yuta had to attend school and military academy. The jewelry she currently owned couldn't fetch much money, it was still far from enough for the tuition. Even if she sold da nai cakes, it would take a long time to save enough money. After much consideration, He lisa could only think of going to the gambling house – trying to make money with money. Although it's a risky and speculative move, she can't afford to be picky at the moment.

"Hey brother, why are you blocking the way here if you're not going to gamble?" Someone pushed He lisa, and disdain flashed in their eyes.

He lisa replied, "I'm here to gamble."

The people around burst into laughter. A poor-looking teenager suddenly appeared, and everyone couldn't help but look over. He lisa took out the only two broken silver she had from her sleeve and placed them on the table.

Someone mocked, "Kid, have you thought this through? This is no child's play. I see you don't have any other money left on you. If you lose, don't cry and ask for your money back! No one will return it to you!"

Indeed, there had been cases where gambling addicts would continue to bet, losing more and more, and some even bet away their deeds, wives, and children. They would later regret it but had no way to back out, and would end up being thrown out by Le Tong Manor. Such cases were not uncommon.

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