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101: The Withered Beauty

The atmosphere in the room froze in an instant.

He Lisa quickly composed herself, looking at him. The look of "nervousness and tension" typical of young people like her faded away, revealing her usual smile as she said, "You can call me whatever you like, Commander. As long as you're happy."

"The daughter of the City Gate military official He Sui, actually came to join the army." He looked at her eyes, smiling with a hint of mockery. "Miss He, you've got quite the courage."

The youth smiled, "I didn't expect the Commander to be so concerned about me; I'm flattered."

There was no panic on He Lisa's face, even though this was an unexpected turn of events. Normally, when a person's clothes were opened up and their identity exposed, most women would feel embarrassed and outraged. But this man seemed so nonchalant, more daring than a man, and maybe that was the reason why, from Shuo Jing to Liangzhou, no one had discovered her true gender.

When Xiao Jungkook received the secret letter from Shuo Jing, he could hardly believe it. The City Gate military official did have a child named He Lisa, but she was a daughter, not a son. He also had a son named He Yuta, and six months ago, He Lisa's daughter had been killed by robbers on a boat on the Chunlai River and had not been found to this day. By the time He Lisa joined the army, it had been six months.

But a woman joining the army, and being able to hide her true gender for more than half a year, was quite impressive. Either everyone around her was blind, or she was very good at disguising herself. Xiao Jungkook was not blind, and as he thought back to the moments he had spent with He Lisa, he realized that she was indeed very good at concealing herself.

"Why did you come to the Liangzhou Garrison?"

Hesitant, she quickly thought and replied, "I came to the Liangzhou Garrison because I committed a crime in Shuo Jing, and if caught, I would face certain death. I had no other options but to seek refuge in the military."

"What crime?"

Her words were a mixture of truth and falsehood, and she delivered them with apparent sincerity.

Xioa Jungkook played with the idea, looking at her with an amused expression, "Lusted after your beauty?"

He Lisa: "...."

What does this mean, was he looking down on her? She had looked at herself in the mirror, Miss He's face is definitely beautiful.

She said with an insincere smile. "After all, not everyone has the discerning eye of a general like you."

Xiao Jungkook nodded his head: "So that's the case."

"Why did you venture out in the dead of night?" His gaze swept over He Lisa, the smell of blood barely concealed. Even the sheets on the bed had a faint red stain.

This man clearly knew she was injured, yet he showed no pity. The questions he asked were unrelenting, and he still hadn't released his grip on her neck. In Xiao Jungkook's eyes, there seemed to be no distinction between men and women.

"I killed one of Yuan Baozhen's guards," she replied.

After a pause, Xiao Jungkook raised an eyebrow and asked, "Why?"

"He kept coming to see me while the Commander was away, and I always felt that he suspected me. Later, I overheard their conversation," she paused before continuing, "It seems they were taking orders from someone named Xu Xiang to take your life. The incident at the banquet was also their plan."

He Lisa shrugged, "Yes, you can think about whether you've offended anyone named Xu Xiang. I woke up tonight and found that you were not there, and the window was open. When I closed the window, I found that someone had passed by. That person deliberately led me to the abandoned courtyard in the Sun Mansion, which turned out to be Yuan Baozhen's guard."

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