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"Robbery?" Jiang Jiao stuttered for a moment. "Wh-what robbery?"

san was a mix of annoyance and pride as he responded, "Of course, I remember."

"Then let's go step on the plate," she told him.

"I know this one," minhyuk chimed in. "It's a term from the secret language of the bandits. It means to gather information beforehand."

san huffed, glancing at He lisa. "You know the secret language too?"

"I only know this one phrase," He lisa said. "If everyone agrees, I'll arrange the details."

All eyes were on her.

"When they approach, Brother san will be in the front, guiding them into our trap. hyun jin and Sehun, each of you will hold a long weapon, positioned on the left and right. Uncle Huang will be at the back, holding the rear. This way, we can surround them. I'll come down from the tree at that moment, and with my nine-section whip, I'll take the opportunity to snatch their flags."

Understanding dawned on their faces. That's why He lisa had chosen the nine-section whip. In a chaotic battle, it might be difficult to get close to the flags, but with the whip's reach, they could pull the flags from a distance.

"Why do I have to be the bait?" san grumbled. "I can lead the formation."

hyun jin fought a smile and managed to suppress it. Sehun and minhyuk looked down in silence. Only san seemed genuinely convinced by He lisa's arrangement, and his initial dissatisfaction faded away.

"But is this arrangement really effective?" hyun jin questioned doubtfully. "What if their skills are better than ours?"

"Don't worry. We arrived earlier and had more time to rest and gather our strength. Also, with our flanking strategy, we'll be both offensive and defensive, causing them to lose formation. Besides, our goal isn't to fight them but to capture the flags."

"As the Art of War says, those who wait in a fortified camp will be at ease, while those who rush into battle will tire. Hence, a skilled warrior will subdue others and be unconquerable."

Among the five, only hyun Jin and He lisa had received an education. While the others were still processing, hyun jin turned to He lisa with a complex expression. "You've read military texts?"

"Somewhat," He lisa replied.

"I don't dare to assume that," He lisa laughed.

"Well, if you become rich and famous, don't forget about us," san whispered under his breath, then added quickly, "But looking at you, you don't really seem like someone who'll become rich and famous."

He lisa shrugged. "I'll take that as a compliment. Now, let's all find our hiding spots. I'll climb the tree first. Rest and eat something. Brother Jin, give one of the flags to Brother san. When you hear my whistle later, that'll be the signal. I'll use the whistle of a Chinese francolin for communication. When you hear the signal, Brother san, take the flag to lure them."

No one objected. They scattered in different directions, finding hiding spots of their own. He lisa chose a tall camphor tree and deftly climbed up.

Her tree-climbing skills were impressive, and san couldn't help but mutter, "Like a four-legged snake."

After finishing the small piece of biscuit, she leaned against the branches and rested for a few minutes. Soon enough, she heard rustling sounds coming from a path slightly below. Another group of recruits was approaching.

He lisa immediately sat up straight, remaining hidden among the leaves without making a sound. She softly produced the sound of a Chinese francolin whistle, blowing it three times in succession. Her whistle was so identical to the bird's call that if they hadn't arranged it beforehand, hyun jin's group wouldn't have been able to tell the difference.

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