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244: Night party

 Xu Jingfu escaped at night and fled to a farm in the wilderness outside the city. He was driven by his student Chu Jeamin with people and horses to kill her relatives. Chu Jeamin was seriously injured in the fight with her husband. She is now lying in a hospital bed. .

One night, the wind direction in Shuojing was completely different.

Xu Jingfu's run was to settle the crime of collaborating with the enemy and treason, as well as setting up the charges of injuring a heavy court official in the Mingshui case. The case of Dali Temple went through quickly, and the entire Xu family was arrested. The only surprise was the fourth son of Chu in Bo's Mansion, Shi Jin. Someone scolded him as being unethical behind his back. Xu Jingfu was so good to him, but he helped others deal with his teacher. Some people also say that he carries the Qing Qing, after all, Jun En is better than Shi En.

But now, he is lying on the sickbed and he doesn't know when to wake up, which is embarrassing. I heard that Xu Jingfu pierced his chest with a knife, and I wonder if he will survive.

In Xiao Mansion, in the ancestral hall, Xiao Jing and Xiao Jungkook stand side by side.

Xiao Jungkook rarely goes to incense with Xiao Jing. Most of the time, he comes by himself.

Bai Rongwei was unwell during the first two nights, and asked the doctor to look at him, only to find out that he was pregnant. When Bai Rongwei was married to the Xiao family for half a year, something happened to Xiao Zhongwu. Soon Mrs. Xiao also followed. At that time Xu Jingfu was very tight, and the entire Xiao family was in danger. Bai Rongwei, who had just become pregnant, was struggling and had a fetal gas. Miscarriage, the root of the disease also fell at that time, and I have been recuperating my body over the years.

I didn't expect that as soon as Xu Jingfu's case was settled, Bai Rongwei would have good news, and he didn't know if he was destined in the dark.

Xiao Jing looked at the memorial tablet in the ancestral hall, sighed, and said: "It's been almost seven years, and finally I can let go of a worry."

In these years, no one has deliberately mentioned it, but Mingshui Battle, neither Xiao Jungkook nor Xiao Jing have forgotten it.

"Thanks for your hard work these years," Xiao Jing smiled and looked at Xiao Jungkook, a little apologetic in his smile, "The burden of the Xiao family is all on you."

"All of Shuojing's eldest brother takes care of everything," Xiao Jungkook said calmly: "Why do I have to say it so hard?"

"You just have a hard mouth." Xiao Jing shook his head and chuckled, "Although I am your elder brother, I never seem to have done anything for you. You have never lived for yourself," his eyes curled up. "Now, you can finally take a break for a while."

Whether it was thrown into the mountain since childhood, or later entered the Xianchang Pavilion, or finally took over the Nanfu soldiers, they all lived for the Xiao family. Sometimes Xiao Jing felt that he didn't understand what his brother wanted, maybe because no one had ever asked him what he wanted. When I remembered to ask, Xiao Jungkook had grown up and was used to keeping everything in his heart.

He is the eldest brother, no matter how hard he tries, he can't seem to get into Xiao Jungkook's heart.

Fortunately... If another person can walk in, that would be great.

"After the Xu family's case, it's time to think about you." Xiao Jing said.

"My business?"

"Don't forget your relationship. Now this is a major event in the Xiao family. Your sister-in-law is pregnant. I asked her to put these things down for the time being and let me do it."

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