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He said okay.

Could he hit moving targets?

"If you want to shoot wild animals, you'll have to go into the forest," san said. The forest was on White Moon Mountain. He looked at Liang Ping, who brought his thoughts back and shook his head. "That won't work."

Both san and He lisa were new recruits, unfamiliar with the routes on White Moon Mountain. The new recruits still needed some time before they could enter the mountains. He continued, "Let's use flying birds as targets."

Flying birds... The new recruits were surprised again. If shooting at animals was harder than shooting at straw targets, then shooting at flying birds would undoubtedly be even more challenging. People were on the ground, while birds were in the sky, creating a natural and significant distance between them. Shooting arrows from the ground into the sky required even more exceptional eyesight and arm strength.

san burst into laughter. "Agreed!"

He lisa also smiled and said, "No problem."

Their casual agreement reignited the excitement among the new recruits who had just started to calm down. It seemed like san often went into the mountains to shoot birds and wolves, but what about He lisa?

"I don't know," Sehun replied.

bambam looked at his older brother in surprise. He hadn't flatly denied it. Did that mean He lisa really had a chance of hitting the target?

"Go get your bows," Liang Ping instructed. He then called over another new recruit who was standing nearby, giving him some instructions. The new recruit listened to Liang Ping and then headed to the training ground's structure to find a copper gong. Holding the gong, he ran to a nearby area in the woods.

The dense forests of White Moon Mountain were home to many wild birds. He lisa had seen white-bellied blue swallows and blue-throated pearl birds on the mountain before. The wild birds quickly took to the sky. In an instant, san had already nocked an arrow and was ready to shoot. He acted with expertise, displaying an air of confidence when shooting at the forest's flying creatures.

The arrow soared into the sky, and a bird that was mid-flight suddenly dropped as if it had been struck. In the training ground, people exclaimed in astonishment, "Hit! He hit it!" A new recruit picked up the arrow from the ground, and the arrow had a red feather attached to it.

This was san's prey.

san looked at He lisa triumphantly.

He lisa smiled and, seemingly unfazed, drew her bow toward the sky. Her movements were even quicker than san's, so swift that one might doubt whether she had aimed at her target at all. However, the arrow had already been released. The intense sunlight obscured people's vision, making it impossible to discern the arrow's direction in an instant.

Sehun stared unblinkingly at the sky. After a while, he said, "Hit."

From a corner of the training ground, another voice rang out. "I found He lisa's arrow! Over here!" Holding the arrow, he ran to Liang Ping. "Here it is!"

Attached to the arrow was a tuft of willow feathers.

Liang Ping and san simultaneously looked at He lisa.

The former was a sudden realization of the person before them being a treasure, a delightful surprise. The latter was a face full of disbelief.

How did he manage that?

The new recruit struck the gong multiple times, and immediately, a large group of birds flew out from the trees. san placed several arrows on his bow simultaneously and released them all at once!

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