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The night was like a scroll painted with thick ink, and the stars were scattered throughout, adding a touch of poetic beauty to the rustling wind.

He lisa fell silent.

xiao jungkook spoke, his voice calm. "Your name is He lisa?"

In the military camp, she didn't consider herself outstanding enough to attract the attention of the commander. How could xiao jungkook already know about her?

xiao jungkook sneered, "Last place in every weighted run, unable to draw a bow or a crossbow." He looked down at the top of He lisa's head and casually added, "And so short. In the military camp, I can't think of anyone else like you."

He lisa: "..."

So... short...

Unexpectedly, even after changing bodies, when xiao jungkook saw her, he still had the same impression? He really remained consistent, with such arrogance and aloofness. Looking at him like this, it seemed that the indifference brought about by growing into a young man was slightly diminished. Just as in her memory, he was an outstanding youth bordering on being sharp.

He lisa naturally felt wronged. In truth, among girls, her height couldn't be considered "short." But in a military camp full of tall and strong men, she appeared fragile as a small chick. However, she couldn't blame herself for that. When she was He lisa, she was slightly taller than now. Moreover, after He Rufei took her place, others wouldn't think that Flying Phoenix General was short. But now, she couldn't stuff her shoes with padding to make herself look taller.

While she was thinking, xiao jungkook took another step closer, making the distance between them a bit excessive.

His eyes were beautiful, clear and gentle. When he lowered his gaze to look at her, it gave the illusion that he was gazing at a lover. His skin was also fair, even clearer than Miss He's. It accentuated his exquisite facial features. His dark hair was tied up and hung over his shoulders, looking cool and emanating a faint, ethereal fragrance, making people want to touch it.

He lisa thought that if the fairy who rode a deer were to see him, she would probably be too shy to look at him and would turn and leave. No wonder so many girls in the capital dreamt of such a nobleman. Looking at this face, one could never tire of it.

"What are you thinking?" he asked nonchalantly.

"I'm thinking about what I can eat to look as good as you," He lisa replied.

His movement stiffened, and he no longer approached her. It was as if he had confirmed something, so he looked away and said, "Senseless!"

He didn't scold her? He lisa was surprised. She thought xiao jungkook would use his authority to scold her, but upon further thought, she realized that xiao jungkook hadn't revealed his identity yet. According to common sense, she shouldn't "know" who he was, so he could only treat her as a stranger he happened to bump into while she was practicing.

xiao jungkook paused, glancing at her fixedly. That glance seemed to be looking at a dead person. But He lisa fearlessly met his gaze. Apparently, he had never encountered someone so bold like her. xiao jungkook was taken aback for a moment and then seemed to laugh coldly. He turned and left with big strides, leaving He lisa alone in the martial arts field.

He lisa noticed something.

xiao jungkook had become even colder in temperament than before, but at the same time, he had improved. Previously, when he was angry with her, he would sarcastically retort with ten or more sentences without repeating himself. But now, he only glanced at her and showed no desire to say more. In the past, she didn't dare provoke xiao jungkook, but now, this noble Second Young Master from the Xiao family no longer bothered to quarrel with others like he did when he was a child. Did that mean she could easily annoy xiao jungkook and get back at him for the emotional damage he caused her in the past?

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