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228: Look at me

The lanterns are ten miles away, and the bright night is adorned with light.

The river gurgled under the column, and Xiaoxue silently fell on the person.

The cloak blocked all the wind and snow, and the man's lips fell on her lips with a light warmth. For example, the bowl of sesame Yuanxiao that I just ate, the lips and teeth are soft and sweet.

He Lisa heard his heartbeat, in this snowy area, it was vivid and powerful, time after time. His robe is still cold with the wind and snow, but his posture is gentle as if he treats the only treasure of this life.

As if to live the moment forever.

No one is not impressed by the person in front of him.

When the lips left, He Lisa actually developed a bit of nostalgia. She raised her head and looked at each other, Xiao Jungkook lowered her eyes, and tidyed her hair that had only been messed up by the wind.

The ears are already red like cooked shrimp, He Lisa whispered: "...Xiao Jungkook, are you not angry anymore?"

Xiao Jungkook sighed silently.

"Xu Hanbin...it's the past." He Lisa thought for a while and looked at him seriously: "If the past makes you unhappy, I apologize to you. I don't know what the girl next to me and like What do you do when you get along? I spend far more time as a man than as a woman. Xiao Jungkook, I will treat you well, what do you like, I will find a way to send you, what do you hate, me I will also help you drive away. If someone bullies you, I will definitely stand up and stand up for you. I will not deceive you or hurt you... Is that okay?"

Think about it now, even if she was with Xu Hanbin in the first place, she actually did not treat her lover like other women. This is certainly because Xu Hanbin is not a beloved person, but she herself does not know how to treat the person she likes.

When I was a child in the He family, there was very little truth about "love", and because I longed for the pity of my biological father and mother, I deliberately pleased me. Even then came to the battlefield, this humble was well hidden, but the things carved in the bones, like bones buried under the wind and sand, will still be exposed when the wind blows.

As a general, she learns to control and be decisive. She can take care of people, but she can't deal with more intimate relationships with people. Those vague feelings made her wonder whether what she was doing was right or wrong.

Xiao Jungkook stared at her, the girl still held the red candied haws in her hand, and looked up at her eyes, full of truth, and a little uncertain and cautious.

I thought it was a liar who came just by opening his mouth, but now it seems that there is no such liar in the world. There are so many people in the world, regardless of whether they are men or women, they are concealed and tempted in every possible way, but they don't want people to discover their true heart. They always feel that they will lose if they say it. The only person in front of him was frank and straightforward, without any skill, without any means, speaking out straight, and running rampage, just like punching his master to death, making his heart move for no reason.

I was only interested in her.

But... just such a person, who clearly gave himself to him, how did Xu Hanbin get cruelly hurt?

He was not angry because of He Lisa's past taste, but more annoyance was probably due to his miss and Xu Hanbin's anger. Just like the doe released in the mountains for a while, its wet eyes fixed on him, full of trust and joy, but Xu Hanbin abandoned this trust like a stubborn, cut it off.

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