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250: Evil thoughts

This New Year in Shuojing City is a double happiness for the Xiao family. For some people, it seems to have worsened the situation.

At the Prince's Mansion, Guang Yan sat in the study room, his face full of anxiety.

After Xu Jingfu's fall, although part of the Xu Dang defected to Chu Jeamin, Emperor Wen Xuan's liquidation was fierce, and it also damaged many of his people. For so many years, he himself has no abilities, relying solely on the contacts of Queen Zhang's family and Xu Xiang, can he sit firmly on the position of the prince temporarily. Although he made the decision to abandon the car and save his handsome, Guang Yan regretted it after he really made the decision.

In these days, Guangshuo appeared in front of Emperor Wen Xuan very diligently, and all the affairs of the DPRK, China, and China began to intervene. Empress Zhang asked him not to act rashly at this time. He approached Xu Jingfu in the past, and I was afraid that Emperor Wen Xuan would not like him in his heart. Before the limelight passed, it was best to stay in the house and guard himself.

Guang Yan responded with his mouth, more anxious in his heart. If the fourth child took advantage of his absence and spoke witty words in front of Emperor Wen Xuan...who knows what will happen in the future? Now that Xiao Jeongguk's power is becoming more and more full, how can he fall behind at this time?

I was thinking, someone from outside came to report: "Your Highness, someone outside asks for a meeting."

Guang Yandao: "Come in."

The visitor looked very inconspicuous in wearing the clothes of the next person, but when he raised his head, he could still see that his appearance was slightly different from that of Wei.

This is a utopian.

"His Royal Highness, the slave, by the order of Lord Manimbu, has sent a message to His Highness."

"Manimbu?" Guang Yan narrowed his eyes and greeted the others in the hall to withdraw. Then he looked at this person: "Your messenger, are you still alive?"

After Tianxingtai, Emperor Wenxuan ordered all the envoys from Uto to be placed under house arrest, and he has not said how to deal with it. Guang Yan tried to get someone to pass a message to Maningbu, but he kept it too strict and never found a chance. Unexpectedly, the people from Manimbu came to the door by themselves.

As if afraid that Guangyan would not believe in himself, the man stepped forward and gave Guangyan a glance at the seal on his sleeve.

"If you want me to save your adults, please go back." Guang Yan said impatiently, "My father is getting angry, and I don't want to add fuel to the fire."

"His Royal Highness did not go to court during this period. I am afraid I don't know. The four princes have been very pleased with His Majesty recently. The courtiers in the court also have the meaning of supporting."

It's okay not to say this. When I say this, Guang Yan's face becomes a little ugly. He sneered: "Don't I know this palace?"

"Concubine Lan is ill every day," the servant whispered: "Master Maningbu wants a slave to ask His Royal Highness, should he sit and wait for death like this?"

With a "pop", the prince slammed the tea cup in front of him against the wall, "Shut up!"

He was so angry that Emperor Wen Xuan favored Concubine Lan, not a day or two. Guang Yan knew clearly in his heart that if he was not the eldest son, and if Emperor Wen Xuan didn't want to worry about all the people in the world, he was afraid that Guang Shuo had already been established as the prince, because Guang Shuo was the son of Concubine Lan, that bitch!

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