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The summer days at Liangzhou military camp were long and grueling, filled with arduous training that tested the endurance and determination of the new recruits. Day after day, they endured rigorous exercises that were both monotonous and challenging. Yet, time seemed to pass swiftly, and before they knew it, the minor heat had given way to the major heat, and autumn was just around the corner.

"Brother Ah He, here's your bread," bambam handed a piece of dried bread to He lisa.

The round flatbread had been roasted over charcoal until it became crispy and savory. With a single bite, the warm crumbs and flavors danced on He lisa's taste buds. She took a couple of bites, followed by a big gulp of water, feeling the immediate comfort as her previously empty stomach was soothed.

Hong mingyu scrutinized He lisa and raised an eyebrow in curiosity. "Ah He, something doesn't seem right. You eat the same rations as us every day, and sometimes you even get special treats, but how come you're still so thin and... well, small?" He struggled to suppress the word "short."

He lisa: "..."

Could she really be blamed for this?

Her so-called "sworn brother," the "useless young master" Cheng jimin, would occasionally sneak her some extra food. Sometimes it was a handful of pine nuts, other times a few pieces of dried meat, and once he even managed to bring her a bowl of soup, claiming it was from his uncle.

Every time he handed her something, Cheng jimin appeared nervous, urging her to eat quickly and making sure his uncle wouldn't catch them. It felt like a covert operation. While He lisa sometimes considered declining the food, she ultimately went along with it. After all, why turn down a free meal? Besides, the treats Cheng jimin brought were surprisingly delicious.

However, this "delicate" young lady had managed to stun everyone with her archery skills during the previous weeks, even causing the scar-faced hulking man to address her as "boss." Her impressive feat of turning countless new recruits into "empty stomachs" was still fresh in their memories. He lisa was now a recognized figure in the military camp.

Since that incident, no one had come forward to challenge He lisa, much to her relief. She was able to enjoy a bit of respite from the competitive atmosphere. She was still strategizing on how to catch the attention of Xiao Jungkook, paving the way to enter Nine Banner Battalion.

On this particular day, the training focus was on spear techniques. The wooden spears used in the training were made of sturdy wood, featuring short, sharp tips.

After the instructor finished his demonstration, the recruits were allowed to practice on their own. As he walked around the training ground, he observed the progress of the recruits. When he reached He lisa's side, he couldn't help but give her an extra glance.

After all, He lisa's astonishing archery skills had left a lasting impression. This new recruit was being closely monitored. Over the past few days, the instructor had also noticed that while He lisa was proficient in whip, knife, footwork, and other areas, her abilities weren't as remarkable as they initially seemed. The only real surprise came from her equestrian archery, but since there hadn't been any competitive matches recently, it was difficult to gauge her true skills.

Despite her dedicated training, which included archery practice and weighted runs, but Instructor Liang had a feeling that she was holding back. Her abilities only revealed a fraction of her true potential.

He walked over to the position of Instructor Du Mao. Instructor Du was also inspecting the area, with several other instructors gathered around him, pointing at a new recruit and discussing something.

Liang Ping approached and heard them discussing.

"No wonder his family runs a martial arts school. Look at how skillfully he handles that long spear, impressive!"

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