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103: The Woman the Commander Loved Deeply

The twenty-three unclaimed female corpses were eventually buried at Chengfeng Peak outside Liangzhou City, as Xiao Jungkook had said. Standing at Chengfeng Peak and looking down, the valley was shrouded in clouds and mist, resembling a fairyland.

Since the twenty-three individuals had no known names or backgrounds, not even a single word was inscribed on their gravestones. Twenty-three nameless gravestones marked the final resting place of these young girls. If they were aware of it in the afterlife, they could gaze upon the ever-changing clouds and wind. If they had been reborn, as Xiao Jungkook had said, they would be free to ride the wind and sing in the mountains.

He Lisa and Song Rose stood not far away, while Chiwu stood by their side, observing as people burned paper money. During the burial, Xiao Jungkook didn't join them. Those burning paper money were mostly people who had come to look for their missing female relatives but hadn't been able to find them. After all, among the girls victimized by Sun Ling, many had left no trace behind, their bodies having been devoured by wolves in the wild.

The old woman quivered and said, "I'm burning paper money for these girls. If someone kind-hearted sees my eldest granddaughter, they will burn paper money for her too. Girls, rest in peace..."

Song Rose wiped away tears from the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief. She said, "Being a woman is too difficult. If there's a next life, I don't want to be a woman."

"This has nothing to do with being a woman," He Lisa looked at the flying paper money, "Being a woman, we should not suffer unnecessarily. It is the same for men. If one is unhappy with their fate, they can choose a different path. It's just..." She looked at the blank memorials, "For these women, they had no choice at all, and that's too cruel."

Song Rose looked at her. "You are very different from ordinary men."

"If it were an ordinary man, they would probably say, What's wrong with you women? Just dress beautifully, sit in the room, and have someone attend to your every need. You don't need to fight outside. How can you not appreciate being in comfort?'" She imitated a man's coarse voice and continued with disdain, "Being a pet is good? Locking a bird in a cage and having the bird praise the cage, I think they are the ones with a problem."

He Lisa chuckled. "You are very different from ordinary women too."

"I've always been different. By the way," Song Rose looked at her, "I still don't know your name. You are not Cheng Jimin, are you? Are you under Second Young Master Xiao?"

"So you're Big Brother He," Song Rose said. "You can call me Rose."

"This..." He Lisa scratched her head; it felt a bit too intimate. Although they were both women, outsiders didn't know that, and using such an intimate form of address might lead to misunderstandings.

"Just consider it settled," Song Rose said with a smile. "I've already talked to Second Young Master Xiao, and for the time being, I'll stay with you guys in the Liangzhou Garrison. When Second Young Master Xiao's people arrive, they'll send me back to Shuo Jing. So, in the days to come, I'll probably be with you all the time." Song Rose laughed, her eyes and eyebrows curved. "I haven't been to the garrison yet," she continued happily, chattering away.

"Miss Song," Chiwu said as he glanced toward the distance, "it's getting late. Let me escort you down the mountain."

"Let's go," He Lisa added.

The group descended the mountain, and as they walked away from Chengfeng Peak, they couldn't help but feel the tranquility of the place. The grassy slopes were adorned with clusters of white chrysanthemums, gently swaying in the breeze, as if young maidens were nodding in gratitude.

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