114: Lin Taehyung

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He Lisa had a long and deep sleep this time.

She even had a dream where she was sparring with Ridamuji, the ruthless and brutal leader. She pointed her sword at his head, and when he raised his face, it turned out to be He Rufei's face.

The sword in He Lisa's hand dropped with a "clang."

She opened her eyes, and what she saw was a soft canopy. The bedding underneath was warm, and when she looked down, she realized she was lying on a bed.

He Lisa still remembered that before she passed out, she was on the martial arts platform, and Xiao Jungkook and Ridamuzi were engaged in battle, with reinforcements from the Nanfu troops arriving from afar. What was the current situation, and had it all concluded?

She slowly propped herself up, and with that movement, she felt the pain in her waist again. It made her frown involuntarily, and she paused for a moment before managing to sit up with the support of the bed frame.

The wound on her body had already been bandaged. She was back in her own room, next to Xiao Jungkook's room, and there was no one inside. She couldn't even ask anyone about the current situation.

Just as she was thinking about it, the door was pushed open, and a young man carrying medicine walked in. He closed the door, approached He Lisa's bed while holding the medicine, and smiled, "Awake? It looks like you're recovering well."

This was the face of a stranger to He Lisa. She had never seen him in Liangzhou Garrison before, but judging by his attire, he was definitely not a new recruit. He Lisa stared at his face, her mind going blank for a moment. Then she suddenly snapped back to reality, almost blurting out the man's name.

Fortunately, she managed to hold her tongue just in time, forcefully swallowing it down. The man smiled at her and said, "I'm Lin Taehyung, a physician and also a friend of Xiao Huaijin's. I'm the one who treated your injuries."

Seeing that He Lisa was just staring at him without saying anything, Lin Taehyung thought for a moment and added, "Don't misunderstand, I didn't take off your clothes; it was Xiao Huaijin who did. I was only responsible for the medical treatment. Oh... I also know your true identity." He lowered his voice and leaned closer to He Lisa. "Little Sister, I really admire you."

He Lisa: "...."

She struggled to nod in gratitude, "Thank you very much."

"You're welcome," Lin Taehyung said with a smile, handing her the medicine bowl. "Drink it. It's already cooled down."

He Lisa took the medicine bowl and slowly sipped the medicine, her shock hard to conceal.

Lin Taehyung, Lin Taehyung had actually come to Liangzhou Garrison!

He Lisa was not unfamiliar with Lin Taehyung. In fact, he was her fellow classmate. Among the young men who entered Xianchang Academy together back then, He Lisa felt that she was actually a bit more familiar with Lin Taehyung than with Xiao Huaijin.

The reason behind this is simply that this gentleman often competes with He Lisa for the last place in the rankings. In fact, eight out of ten times, he is the one in that position.

Yes, Lin Taehyung may have a clever face, but when it comes to academics and military studies, he is absolutely terrible. Unlike He Lisa, who is often the last despite his hard work, Lin Taehyung has never worked hard. He has a close relationship with Xiao Jungkook and follows him everywhere. He copies Xiao Jungkook's homework, and for his calligraphy assignments, he pays others to write them for him.

The young men at Xianchang Academy come from wealthy and noble families, so none of them are short of these treasures. However, every time Lin Taehyung brings something out, it is always a rare and valuable item that makes others envious. He Lisa once gave in to temptation and helped Lin Taehyung copy his books for a night, receiving a jade cricket in return.

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