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216: Coming for you

The moonlight shines on the snowy ground, and the two people stand opposite each other in the light and shadow of the circulation.

No need to cover up.

He Lisa's gaze fell on the Qiuqiu Sword in her hand. At this moment, she realized that the long sword was so heavy that she was so heavy that she felt that she was about to be unable to hold it.

"When did you know?" she said softly.

"He Wanru's nanny, I found it." Xiao Jungkook replied.

He Lisa suddenly raised his head to look at him.

His expression was as calm as ever, as if he was talking, but it was a trivial matter. Thousands of complex emotions surged in her heart, sour, flustered, and nervous, and finally all turned into a sigh of relief.

"Sorry," He Lisa tried to make herself look a little lighter, "I didn't mean to lie to you."

But why did she cheat? Even she herself couldn't give an acceptable reason.

Xiao Jungkook leaned over and picked up the sword body that was broken in two on the ground. The long sword in his hand was cut into two by He Lisa's Yin Qiu.

He Lisa watched his movements quietly, and waited for him to stand up before saying: "You already know everything?"

"Almost." Xiao Jungkook's eyes were light, "You are Xu Zhiheng's deceased wife, and He Rufei wearing a mask."

As soon as the word "deceased wife" was uttered, He Lisa's heart was shocked. It seemed that the secret that he didn't want to be discovered was revealed, and he was a little bit embarrassed for no reason. She dared to move forward all her life, and was never afraid of thousands of troops and horses in battle. Only when facing the person in front of her, at this moment, she gave birth to a heart of retreat.

But she can't run away. Once she's found out, she has to face it. Whether it is a past full of conspiracy and calculations, or a future with no way forward.

"Yes," He Lisa said: "I am He Lisa and He Rufei, your classmate."

Xiao Jungkook's eyes moved slightly. After a while, he asked: "Why did you become the daughter of the captain of the city gate?"

"If you have found Mother Qin, you should already know how I died." He Lisa smiled bitterly, looked not far away, the ice hanging on the tree, the ice like falling tears. The clusters hung on the tops, "After I die, when I wake up, it will be the'He Lisa' now."

"Maybe God saw me being pitiful and gave me another chance," He Lisa shrugged, "Even if I say it, no one will believe it. Maybe someone will think of me. Talking nonsense. However, now that you have found me, you have already believed in it."

"Why do you exchange identities with He Rufei?"

He Lisa was startled, his eyes always bright, and at this moment, it was like a layer of fog, giving birth to a little bit of confusion.

"Xiao Jungkook, no one can decide their own destiny when they are born. The same is true for me. When I remember, I am already'He Rufei'." She slowly said, "I only I know, my eldest brother will not live long. If I don't become'He Rufei', the title of the He family will be taken back. Therefore, I must live in the name of'He Rufei' and live like this for a lifetime."

"It's just that I was too young at that time to succumb to this fate, so I left the He family and went to the Fuyue Army. The eldest brother who was destined to die early did not die, and was even safe and healthy, so when I returned to Beijing, everything belonged to you. He did it back to He Rufei, and I did it back to He Lisa, which is very good."

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