120: Drunk

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While conversing with Chu Jaemin, He Lisa didn't notice that Xiao Jungkook and Lin Taehyung were standing behind a nearby tree.

Lin Taehyung, observing closely, questioning, "It appears that Little Sister He unexpectedly knows Chu Jaemin? Why did she claim not to know him when I asked her yesterday?"

"Did you ask her?"

"Yes, and I asked her if she'd take Chu Jaemin's side if there were a conflict between you and him," Lin Taehyung twirled his fan and grinned, "Do you want to know how she answered?"

Xiao Jungkook replied, "I don't want to know."

"Why are you like this?" Lin Taehyung inquired. "I'll tell you anyway. Little Sister He answered without hesitation that she didn't know Chu Jaemin and would stand on your side. However..." Lin Taehyung looked at the pair chatting in the distance and asked, "Why did she claim not to know him when it's clear that she does?"

Xiao Jungkook chuckled, "Why believe what a liar says?"

"A liar?" Lin Taehyung glanced at Xiao Jungkook. "What did she lie to you about? Could it be that..." He suddenly realized something and gasped, "She's in cahoots with Chu Jaemin? Is she working for Xu Jingfu too?"

Xiao Jungkook couldn't be bothered to engage with him.

Just then, the beautiful servant girl named Ying Xiang noticed them from afar. She shouted, "Commander Xiao, Young Master Lin."

With nowhere to hide, Lin Taehyung stepped forward, nodding politely, "Fourth Young Master Chu, Brother He."

He Lisa asked, "Did you come outside to enjoy the sun as well?"

"Just taking a leisurely walk," Lin Taehyung replied while holding his fan. His eyes scanned He Lisa and Chu Jaemin as he asked provocatively, "He Lisa, do you and Fourth Young Master Chu know each other from the past?"

He Lisa responded, "We've only met once. We encountered each other here in Liangzhou Garrison, and I was surprised to learn that he's Fourth Young Master Chu."

"Only once?" Lin Taehyung wasn't satisfied and probed further, "Can you tell us how you met?"

Chu Jaemin stood in place with a gentle smile, showing no intention of explaining himself. Xiao Jungkook's gaze remained calm, but it made He Lisa feel a bit chilly. However, Song Rose was quite curious and asked, "Exactly, how do you know each other?"

"Well," He Lisa had no choice but to explain with a forced smile, "Back when I was in Shuojing, I went to Le Tong Manor to gamble one night. I won a lot of silver and was chased by some people. Coincidentally, I ran into the Fourth Young Master Chu. He found the silver I dropped and returned it to me. At the time, I didn't know who he was, so I quickly thanked him and left."

"Le Tong Manor?" Song Rose was astonished. "Big Brother He, you gamble?"

"Didn't you say your dad is very strict, and you rarely leave the house?" Lin Taehyung couldn't help but ask.

He Lisa raised her head and met Xiao Jungkook's half-smile, making her scalp tingle. She took a step back and said, "I was forced by circumstances back then... I went there only once! I never went again!"

Both Lin Taehyung and Xiao Jungkook knew that she was a woman, and for a woman to go gambling alone at night was indeed quite shocking. Moreover, gambling was generally not a good thing to admit to, especially in front of this group of influential figures. It was truly embarrassing.

"I didn't expect Brother He to come to Liangzhou Garrison later," Chu Jaemin said with a smile. "It's also our fate. I still remember the excellent skills you displayed that night when dealing with those pursuers."

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