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On their way back, He Yuta kept observing He lisa's expression.

"I promise you, I will never have anything to do with him again," He lisa replied firmly. "Is that enough?"

Seeing her resolute attitude, He Yuta felt somewhat relieved.

He Yuta himself didn't know why, but he kept chattering all the way, even more so than a wet nurse.

"It's not that I don't trust you, but that surname Fan is too cunning and always tells lies," He Yuta continued non-stop. "What's so good about such a man? You must have been blind to be interested in him. Let me tell you, General Fengyun is the one truly admirable person..."

As He lisa listened to He Yuta's talk, it went in one ear and out the other. However, when she heard him mention Xiao Jungkook, she stopped and interrupted his endless rambling. "What does this have to do with Xiao Jungkook?"

"Isn't Second Young Master Xiao Jungkook handsome?" He Yuta asked.

With a refined and elegant demeanor, one could hardly find any flaws in him.

"And what about his family background?"

The Xiao family was a prominent military family. Commander Xiao Zhongwu had accompanied the late emperor in conquering thousands of miles of territory. He was a beloved general of the late emperor. The general's wife was the niece of the empress dowager's family. The eldest son, Xiao Jing, was already a respected Fengyi Daifu* at a young age, and the second son, Xiao Jungkook, was now a prestigious Right Army Commander and renowned as General Fengyun.
* These officials played a crucial role in providing counsel and guidance to the ruling emperor.

"They are very well-off."

"...Unparalleled, extraordinary."

"Well then," He Yuta concluded, "he's a good-looking man from a prominent family, extremely talented in both civil and martial arts, and stands out from the crowd. Isn't he worth admiring? If I were a woman, I would admire him all my life!"

He lisa, "....Please, just be quiet."

Even if Xiao Jungkook possessed a thousand good qualities, his infuriatingly cold and indifferent attitude made him hard to praise. Moreover, countless women already admired him. It was doubtful if there was any woman in Da Wei who didn't admire him. Has he ever taken notice of anyone? No. He was extremely proud, and his standards were as high as his looks. Perhaps there was no one who could catch his eye. Could he ever like someone like her? That was unlikely.

He lisa found herself longing for the day when she could see the girl whom Xiao Jungkook would choose in the future, a peerless beauty that would put all others to shame.

As they were discussing this, He Yuta suddenly stopped in his tracks and said, "What's going on ahead?"

Not far away, on the roadside wall, there was something pasted that attracted many people's attention. As He lisa and He Yuta approached and saw what was written on it, they understood, "It's a conscription notice."

"Hasn't it been a long time since the last conscription? Why would they suddenly conscript now?" He Yuta questioned in puzzlement.

But He lisa understood. During the years she spent with Xiao Jungkook, pacifying the disturbances in Western Qiang and the Southern Barbarians, she had overlooked the neighboring country of Wuto. The Wuto people took advantage of these few years to grow and develop, and they had hidden ambitious plans. After marrying into the Xu family, she had been keeping an eye on the northwestern fortress. This sudden conscription was likely to strengthen the garrison in Liangzhou and train new soldiers.

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