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107: The Qiang People

Winter had set in, and it was bitterly cold. The winters in Liangzhou were even colder than in the capital city. During the daytime, the training provided some warmth, but it was still quite chilly. At night, the biting cold became even more intense. The firewood burning in their stoves was far from sufficient.

Fewer soldiers were going to the Five Deer River for bathing now; most preferred to heat water themselves. He Lisa was no exception. It had been over half a month since Xiao Jungkook left.

She estimated that by this time, Xiao Jungkook had probably reached Zhangtai. However, the training officers never mentioned it, and He Lisa had no way of knowing what was happening on the other end. She continued to train with the new recruits every day, but due to her injuries, she couldn't keep up with the "triple daily training" Xiao Jungkook had mentioned.

On this day, He Lisa and a group of new recruits were training on the martial arts field. As evening approached, the training session concluded, and He Lisa began chatting with Hong Mingyu and the others.

Hong Mingyu rubbed his hands together and exhaled into his palms, saying, "Ah He, have you noticed how incredibly cold it's been these past few days?"

"It's bearable," He Lisa replied. During her time in the Fuyue Army, she had fought battles near the river during winter, with their camp set up along the banks. The nights were bitterly cold with the icy river breeze, and there was no firewood to burn. The soldiers would sleep together to keep warm. That was true winter hardship.

"Maybe you young folks can tolerate the cold better," Hong Mingyu sighed. He gazed in the direction of White Moon Mountain. "Why does it keep snowing in Liangzhou? It snows all night long."

He Lisa followed his gaze, observing that White Moon Mountain in winter lacked the lush greenery of summer. With one glance, she saw the pristine white snow covering the mountainside. The recruits couldn't venture too high up the mountain for firewood anymore. The higher they went, the deeper the snow, making it unsafe.

"In fact, this weather is perfect for hunting," Bambam chimed in. "My older brother and I used to do this at this time of year. We'd prepare food during the day, soak it in alcohol, and leave it near the caves. In winter, there's not much to eat, but when rabbits and foxes see it, they come to eat. We'd go out to collect our catch at night, and there would be game everywhere. It's easy and straightforward. White Moon Mountain is so vast; there should be many rabbits and foxes."

He licked his lips in anticipation.

"Stop it," He Lisa warned. "I think it's best if you abandon that idea. The terrain on the mountain is complex, and the snow is deep. You might become the prey before you catch any rabbits."

"You're underestimating me, Brother Ah He," Bambam grumbled.

While they were speaking, a group of new recruits descended the trail from White Moon Mountain, with a young woman wearing a white robe leading the way.

She was draped in an apricot-colored plum blossom cloak, and her hairpin was also a simple white one. Against the backdrop of the snowy landscape, she appeared even more ethereal, a vision of beauty and kindness.

Hong Mingyu stared at her in amazement and said, "I never knew such a woman existed—a woman of extraordinary beauty with an exceptionally kind heart. On such a cold day, a frail lady ventures up the mountain to gather herbs for the wounded. Only a celestial being would possess such compassion. What do you think, Ah He?"

He Lisa replied, "You're absolutely right."

Every few days, the new recruits took turns going up the mountain to gather firewood. Shen Muxue often accompanied them to collect medicinal herbs. There were some herbs on the mountain, even in winter, that they could find. Due to shortages of medicinal materials in the Garrison, especially during winter when some soldiers suffered from cold-related illnesses, Shen Muxue made herbal concoctions for them. They were packed into wooden barrels, and each soldier received a bowl of the brew. After drinking it, they would break into a sweat, which was excellent for their health.

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