115: The Heartless One

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Explanation? How should she explain?

The situation was critical at the time when she was thrown into the dungeon, and she guessed that the enemy would likely take action soon. So, she asked Song Rose for some paper and a pen and wrote a letter to Shen Han.

In the letter, she included a detailed map of Liangzhou Garrison, where she had been residing for the past half-year. She suspected that the enemy would approach from the Five Deer River. She advised Shen Han to dispatch several hundred to a thousand archers to hide in the dense forest near the Five Deer River, setting up an ambush for the enemy once they crossed the river on their way to Liangzhou Garrison.

"At the time, I was falsely accused of murder and thrown into the dungeon," He Lisa thought for a moment and continued to explain, "Even though others didn't believe me, I had a feeling that the enemy had bigger plans. And since you, Commander, were not present, Liangzhou Garrison was in real danger. So, I drew this map and had Miss Song deliver it to Instructor Shen. However, at that time, I wasn't sure if Instructor Shen would act as I suggested. It was a desperate move on my part."

Although Shen Han initially doubted and didn't believe her, he ultimately decided to act cautiously due to the importance of Liangzhou Garrison. He followed her advice and set up the ambush in the forest. This led to the enemy's defeat when they attempted to cross the river, leaving them in a disadvantageous position, with their morale already weakened.

Xiao Jungkook raised an eyebrow, "Why the riverbank?"

"Keep your enemies close. To catch a thief, you must lock the door, not only to prevent their escape but also to prevent them from falling into someone else's hands."

He chuckled, "Your knowledge of military strategy is impressive. What about the granary?"

"Behind the Liangzhou Garrison, there's White Moon Mountain, next to Five Deer River. There's one road where you, as the commander, can leave, and another road leads into the city. I suspect the enemy has bigger plans. One Liangzhou Garrison may not be enough. If they bring us into their position, the first thing they'd do is burn the granary. Without supplies, the new recruits at Liangzhou Garrison won't last long. We'd either be trapped here or forced to enter the city. Once the city gates are open, the enemy can easily take over, and Liangzhou won't hold. So I wrote to Instructor Shen, instructing people to hide in the shadows and guard the granary to prevent anyone from setting it on fire."

In fact, Ridamuzi did send someone to set fire, but they were intercepted by prepared Liangzhou recruits.

"You guessed right," Xiao Jungkook said slowly, leaning forward and getting closer to her, his eyes locked onto hers. "Impressive strategy, young lady, you leave nothing to chance."

His deep, clear eyes, as serene as autumn water, made He Lisa feel somewhat uncomfortable, and she couldn't respond to his earlier comment. The reason she seemed to have an impeccable strategy was simply because she had witnessed countless times when the Qiang people first set the granary on fire. Once she identified them as Qiang people, she naturally knew what their next move would likely be.

But she couldn't tell this to Xiao Jungkook.

"How do you know so much? Did your father teach you military strategy at home?" he asked, his lips curling.

He Lisa knew that he was growing suspicious, so she decided to make up a story: "Not at all. I learned it all on my own. Commander, don't you think I'm a born military genius?"

He chuckled, "Are you trying to deceive me again?"

"Commander always suspects I'm a liar. At the very least, you should provide some evidence," He Lisa grew bolder. "You suspected Lei Hou, so you placed him in the vanguard camp, and eventually, Lei Hou revealed himself. You suspect something about me, so you keep me close. There's only a wall separating my room from yours. If I were truly up to something, you would have an easier time discovering it. But so far, besides the fact that I'm a woman, nothing has happened. Commander's accusations are a bit unreasonable."

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