136: The Wind Moves

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What was that on her forehead, there was no doubt, and for a moment, He Lisa didn't know what to do. She stood there, not daring to move, only feeling the place his lips had touched was burning hot.

Xiao Jungkook also froze, standing still with beautiful eyes lowered, his expression unreadable.

On the other hand, the elder brother on the side chuckled and said, "Why are you standing still? This young master, you have already arrived."

Xiao Jungkook seemed to snap out of it at this moment, released her as if stung by a bee, turned coldly, and said, "Let's go."

He Lisa said, "Oh," covering the surging waves of shock in her heart, pretending that nothing had happened, and followed Xiao Jungkook. But inside, she was screaming.

She had actually... been kissed by Xiao Jungkook?

Although it was on the forehead, such an intimate contact.... It was hard to ignore. Even though it was an accident, the timing couldn't have been worse.

They had just crossed the Lover's Bridge, and if the Water God had seen it, he might have mistaken them for lovers. He might even have added them to his romantic tales. He Lisa shivered.

Xiao Jungkook, perhaps influenced by the recent incident, walked very quickly, so He Lisa had to speed up to keep up with him. When they returned to Cui Yuezhi's side, the onlookers were all applauding, and Cui Yuezhi said, "Huanqing, you really live up to the name of our Cui family's sons! You passed it on your first try! I was wondering if you would be too afraid to do it next time, hahaha. I didn't expect it, wow, I didn't expect that the Lover's Bridge would be so smooth for you!"

In her heart, He Lisa thought that he was already planning for next time, the Lover's Bridge really had no bottom line.

"Now that's settled," Wei Yiniang chuckled as she patted He Lisa's hand, "crossing the Lover's Bridge with Young Master Huanqing, in this lifetime, you won't be separated, no matter if it's above the beautiful landscape or below in the underworld!"

He Lisa: "..."

It was truly terrifying.

Chiwu and Fei Nu also had expressions of speechlessness on their faces, while only Lin Taehyung was enjoying the situation, fanning himself and saying, "I want to go there."

"Well, then go," He Lisa said, not in the mood for Lin Taehyung's teasing, which had instigated the situation earlier.

"Maybe I'll pass," Lin Taehyung said haughtily, "Why take a sip from the vast river of beauty? This bridge isn't suitable for me. Besides, where am I going to find a young lady who can be held in my arms to cross the bridge?"

Xiao Jungkook interjected, "Shut up."

He Lisa dared not speak anymore; the joke was getting embarrassingly awkward. Fortunately, as they were the last to leave the bridge, the others didn't notice the unexpected incident on her forehead because they were too far away. Otherwise, Lin Taehyung would have had a field day with that joke, and she would have been utterly humiliated.

"Now that we've crossed the Lover's Bridge, let's go and see the other events of our Water God Festival," Cui Yuezhi said with a smile, "This is the Water Market."

Jiyang was located by the water, and boats of various sizes were already moored on the river. Some people were sitting at the stern, paddling, while the bow of the boats displayed various snacks, fruits, or cosmetics. If someone on the shore was interested, they would wave, and the boat would pull up to the bank for the customer to make their selection. If it was the boat's passengers who were interested, both boats would stop in the middle of the river, and the vendors on the boat would let them choose.

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