130: Painting the Eyebrows

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While editing i didn't notice the character 'miss yan' and accidently edited it to miss lisa, I'm sorry for inconvenience.


The young man had a tall and elegant figure, standing straight like a pine tree. His deep blue robe added an air of nobility and elegance to him. His eyes were as dark as the night, exuding a deep and subtle coldness. Yet, his lips carried a hint of casual mockery.

The way he addressed her as "Madam" was as rich and mellow as wine, causing everyone present to be intoxicated.

Even He Lisa was stunned, feeling a sudden stiffness where his breath brushed past. For a moment, she was at a loss for words.

Miss Yan bit her lip as she looked at Xiao Jungkook, feeling both amazed and jealous. This incredibly handsome man, who could captivate anyone, was already married, and to someone as unremarkable as this country girl? How was that possible!

Seeing that He Lisa remained silent, Xiao Jungkook arched an eyebrow, softening his tone even more. "Has she bullied you?"

He Lisa was startled and finally snapped out of her daze. She was about to speak when Miss Yan took the initiative and said, "This young sir, I didn't bully anyone. We just.... both happen to like the same piece of clothing."

As Miss Yan spoke with Xiao Jungkook, her attitude was no longer as aggressive as before; she appeared gentle and polite, like a different person. Her eyes couldn't bear to leave Xiao Jungkook.

"But I distinctly heard you saying that our Madam here doesn't have money!" Lin Taehyung stirred the pot, shaking his fan. "Even I, the steward, can't stand it anymore."

A steward? The green-clothed attendant who dared not make a sound was secretly amazed. He had thought it was some young master but never expected it to be a steward. This was remarkable. All the people in this group had extraordinary looks and bearing. Could it be that some important person had come to Jiyang? He wondered if they had unintentionally offended someone earlier.

Xiao Jungkook turned his head and asked He Lisa, "Have you made a selection?"

He Lisa shook her head.

Miss Yan handed the pale blue skirt that He Lisa had chosen earlier to her with a smile. "If the young lady really likes this dress, I'm willing to give it up."

He Lisa: "..."

How useful is Xiao Jungkook's face? This attitude is completely different before and after. Being good-looking is such an advantage, and He Lisa felt a pang of jealousy.

Xiao Jungkook just glanced at her indifferently, without reaching out to accept, and said to the attendant in green standing there, "What's upstairs?"

"In response to Young Master," the attendant replied while wiping his sweat, "We have a total of five floors in the Embroidered Brocade Lane. The third to the fifth floors are all women's clothing. The clothes on the fifth floor are the most precious, made specifically for nobility, and the prices... are higher."

"Bring out the most precious treasure from your Embroidered Brocade Lane."

Miss Lisa's face turned stiff.

He Lisa was also surprised, tugged at Xiao Jungkook's sleeve, and whispered, "No need, I can just try on something casually..."

What kind of financial situation do they have at home to dare to choose the most expensive option? He Lisa felt it was very inappropriate.

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