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On the second day after the Mid-Autumn Festival, it rained. When He lisa woke up, everyone else was still sound asleep on their beds, likely still recovering from last night's drinking. However, the calls for training had already begun outside, rain or not, they still had to practice. She got up from her bed and woke up the others in the room.

He lisa handed him a water pouch, saying, "Drink a few sips quickly, wash your face, it's time for training."

Taking the water pouch, bambam drank deeply, and Hong mingyu chimed in, "bambam, you and your brother need more practice. You can't handle so little alcohol even your Brother Ah He here is better."

"Decently." He lisa replied vaguely. She didn't have a headache now, and she actually felt quite refreshed. However, she had forgotten when she had returned to the room. She only remembered drinking with minhyuk by the bonfire, having a few more bowls, and even opened "Eighteen Immortals"... Oh right, where was the "Eighteen Immortals"?

"Speaking of the alcohol that Commander Xiao rewarded, where is it?" Hong mingyu remembered, "That was some good stuff, it can't be lost."

"Probably with san." He lisa replied. She tried to recall what happened last night, but she couldn't piece it together.

She had been known to be able to drink a thousand cups without getting drunk, but that wasn't entirely true. She could still get drunk, but her drunkenness was different from others. Even when she was drunk, she wouldn't show it on her face. She would still appear sober and clear-headed. In fact, during her time in the army, there was a night when she was drunk and spent the whole night discussing military strategies with the strategist in her tent. The strategist praised her the next day, saying she was truly a rare hero. However, He lisa couldn't remember anything from that night.

She tried to think harder, but the memories eluded her. She joined the others in washing her face and preparing for the day's training.

After the rain, the ground was wet, making it necessary to be cautious and not run too fast to avoid slipping. As He lisa was running, she felt someone watching her. Following the gaze, she saw the Chief Instructor Shen Han standing at the end of the path, staring at her without blinking, his expression complicated.

When Shen Han noticed He lisa looking, he shifted his gaze away. This was strange. She was very sensitive to people's gazes, and it seemed like Shen Han was studying her. When she looked at him again, he had already moved away.

"He's treating me well?" He lisa was bewildered, "I don't know about that."

If Shen Han was truly treating her well, he wouldn't have sent Lei Hou to the Vanguard Camp.

"Last night when we returned, I saw Instructor Shen himself carrying you back to your room," the new recruit said, seeming a bit displeased. "You're really ungrateful. If it were me, Instructor Shen wouldn't have been so considerate."

He lisa was left stunned.

She asked, "Did you see Chief Instructor Shen carrying me back last night?"

"Yeah," the new recruit looked at her strangely, "You don't remember? You were probably too drunk." He said this and, since his companions up ahead were calling him to catch up, he didn't pay any more attention to how she looked and hurried to join them ahead.

This didn't make sense. She had asked Hong mingyu and the others in the morning, and they had all been drunk, with fellow recruits from the same room carrying them back. No one knew when or how He lisa had returned.

He lisa didn't consider Shen Han a thoughtful person.

She thought about it until the end of the run, and when the practice was about to begin, she decided to find minhyuk and the others to inquire. If even they didn't know, she would go directly to ask Shen Han.

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