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Spring was nearing its end, and even the rain was beginning to carry the heat of summer.

The tents were quite narrow, with several people squeezed inside, just enough to accommodate everyone. He lisa and Hong mingyu sat close together, Hong mingyu had managed to secure a slightly larger tent, and since they didn't have much luggage, it made it somewhat spacious for both of them. He lisa had been here for an entire day, from last night until now.

They were provided with steamed buns to eat, two for each meal. Once they settled in Liangzhou, they would receive more rations. Apart from that, they didn't get much else, except for the inconvenience of using the restroom. He lisa had to wait until it was late and no one was around before she could sneak away.

They were probably brothers, with similar appearances – thin and dark. They had a rugged handsomeness and didn't seem very old. The older one looked around sixteen or seventeen years old, and the younger one was roughly the same age as He Yuta. The older one was likely the elder brother, who remained silent, while the younger one had a simple and innocent smile on his face as he asked familiarly, "This brother is...?"

"This is your brother Ah He," Hong mingyu introduced on his own and then said to He lisa, "These are two new brothers who arrived today. There are no tents available outside, so they'll be squeezing in here with us." He pointed to the quiet young man and said, "This is sehun (Stone)," and then pointed to the young man who had a somewhat naive and simple smile, "This is bambam (Little Wheat)."

Sehun and bambam, they were probably brothers from a poor family. Otherwise, if they were from a better-off family, they would have been given better names.

He lisa found a place to sit down, and with two more people, the tent suddenly felt a bit crowded.

Sehun didn't like to talk, but his younger brother, bambam, was lively. He replied, "We lived on Xianghuai Mountain and hunted for a living. We saw the conscription on our way down the mountain and discussed it. Then we decided to join the army."

So they were a family of hunters on the mountain.

"Your parents let you come to enlist?" Hong mingyu asked. Generally, if a family was poor and sent someone to enlist, they wouldn't send both of their sons. They would want to keep a way out for the family.

Hong mingyu sighed, "Then you both should cherish your lives. Why did you come to enlist? Enlisting is not a game. Are you guys...?" He gestured towards He lisa, "Also wanting to achieve something and establish a career like him?"

"As men, we should achieve something and establish a career," bambam said innocently. "Besides, this time, we're going to Liangzhou under the command of the Right Army's General, Commander Xiao. My brother and I have admired him for a long time. Being able to follow him is our honor!"

As He lisa was drinking water and listening to their conversation, she almost choked on her water.

The others in the tent looked at her.

"You said the Commander going to Liangzhou is who?" she asked.

bambam assumed she didn't recognize "Commander Xiao" and explained, "It's General Fengyun, the second young master of the Xiao family, Xiao jungkook."

How could Xiao jungkook be going to Liangzhou as a commander? His official position didn't require such an assignment, and he had his own troops. Why would he take new recruits to Liangzhou? Unless he had been demoted.

Was Xiao jungkook demoted?


Xiao Family in the capital.

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