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99: Who Are You?

Outside the restroom, a group of maids had gathered in a circle. The lead maid looked worried as she said, "Young Master Cheng, are you okay? Should we come in to help?"

The response from inside the restroom was an exasperated voice of a young man, "No! Don't come in! Stay outside!"

The maids exchanged glances with each other. They understood that this young master from the capital usually carried himself with elegance and grace. Now that he had fallen into a pit toilet, he must be in a terribly embarrassing state and didn't want anyone to witness it. However, they couldn't just leave him in this situation without help, could they?

The maids were getting increasingly anxious.

He Lisa stood in a side room and sighed silently.

To be honest, the Sun family's restroom was already quite clean, considering the luxurious decorations. However, she had only gone through this whole ordeal to address the issue of the scented ball that Ding Yi had replaced around her waist.

Young Master Cheng, who had fallen into the pit toilet, would undoubtedly need to thoroughly clean himself from head to toe. Even the scented ball, which was meant for perfumed clothing, would have to be discarded after this experience. If someone were to ask why he changed it, it would be perfectly reasonable. After all, who would want to keep a dirty scented ball on their person after emerging from a pit toilet? That would be absurd.

However... as He Lisa looked down at the stains on her own clothes through the cloth covering her eyes, she couldn't help but feel that her sacrifice was far too great. She had assumed that Cheng Jimin was a bit slow-witted, but it turned out he was the one who was truly clever. Now, she found herself doing all this dirty and tiring work on his behalf.

What a situation.

As she contemplated this, she suddenly heard someone call out, "Young Master Cheng, please come out. Commander Xiao has arrived!"

He Lisa: "..."

Why did she always end up in such a disheveled state whenever she encountered Xiao Jungkook? He Lisa took a deep breath and, using a bamboo pole for support, unsteadily walked out.

The people outside held their breath.

The young man's clothes were splattered with dirt, his hair was somewhat disheveled, and his eyes were covered with a black cloth, so his expression couldn't be seen. His mouth, however, was pouting in a slightly aggrieved manner. As soon as he appeared, he started complaining haphazardly in one direction, "Uncle, you've finally arrived! If it weren't for my good luck, you'd have an orphaned nephew who died in the restroom!"

Xiao Jungkook: "..."

"Fei Nu, take him back and clean him up," Xiao Jungkook said, seemingly unable to bear the odor coming from He Lisa, and then turned and walked away.

He Lisa cursed silently. Look, was this something a person should do? Whose sake did she fall into the pit toilet for? Xiao Jungkook was truly heartless.

Fei Nu approached to assist He Lisa. He usually stayed close to her as her personal attendant, but now, even in her moment of need, he kept a distance and used a cloth to cover his nose and mouth, leaving He Lisa speechless.

Once they were outside the room they stayed in, without any reminders from He Lisa this time, Fei Nu ordered someone to bring hot water and a wooden bath tray. He Lisa was surprised when he handed them to her, saying, "You should go clean yourself up."

"Aren't you going to help me bathe?" she tested.

"You have a fiancée; it wouldn't be appropriate," he replied.

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