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On this day, He lisa once again attracted a lot of attention.

In full view of everyone, san's face turned black as he awkwardly forced out a greeting, his voice as small as a mosquito. He lisa looked at him with a smile, and he quickly turned and walked away, as if someone were chasing him from behind.

"Brother Ah He, you're really something," bambam exclaimed enviously.

He lisa shrugged, thinking that while one can plan, success still depends on fate. Getting taller wasn't something that could be forced.

Perhaps in a good mood that day, He lisa did something unusual – she had a dream when she went to sleep after her late-night practice.

In the dream, she stood on the elevated platform of the training ground, and everyone was addressing her as "Leader." Cheng jimin ran over, smiling, and said, "Big Brother He, you're joining the Nine Banner Battalion!"

"Really?" She was delighted in the dream. Then, she heard a voice, "He Rufei?"

When she heard the name "He Rufei," she suddenly woke up from the dream, sitting up and wiping sweat from her forehead.

Outside, it was already getting light, and Hong mingyu was pushing open the window. Seeing her wiping sweat, he casually said, "These days have been scorching hot. It's probably going to rain soon. After a few rainstorms, the weather will cool down. D*mn it, I don't want to spend another summer in the Liangzhou Garrison. I've sweated off a layer of skin."

He lisa smiled and still felt a bit unsettled. Seeing her expression, bambam wondered, "Brother Ah He, you complexion doesn't look so good, are you feeling unwell due to the heat? Want some herbal tea?"

After the morning's intense weight-bearing run, they continued their training at the training ground. Today, it was blade techniques. As she practiced, a group of people approached and stopped in front of He lisa.

He lisa put down the blade in her hand.

"Are you going to honor your words from yesterday?" the leader of the group asked in a deep voice.

He was a bald man with fierce brows and leopard-like eyes. He wore a string of Buddhist prayer beads around his neck, and they glowed with a dark sheen, each bead about the size of a fingertip. He held a large blade with a golden back in both hands. He appeared much older than He lisa, perhaps beyond his prime, maybe even at the end of his life. However, he showed no signs of slackening or weariness, as if he were a tightly wound bear.

"I'm min hyuk," the bald man said with a gruff voice, "I want to spar with you in blade techniques."

The new recruits around them immediately became excited, their ears perked up as they eavesdropped on their conversation.

"Exactly, let's put an end to his arrogance and avenge our dry biscuits!"

"I think He lisa won't be so arrogant this time. Look at the blade in min hyuk's hand. It's no ordinary weapon! He's probably been a wandering warrior before."

He lisa also noticed the blade in min hyuk's hand. The blade was crimson, the back of the blade was thick, the edge was sharp, the tip was flat, and it had a slight curve. This kind of blade was very heavy, and an ordinary person would find it difficult to wield, but in the hands of someone like min hyuk, it had a fitting air of might.

"You have a good blade," He lisa praised.

At her words, min hyuk's gaze softened slightly, and he said, "It's been my old friend for thirty years."

At this moment, she couldn't help but envy min hyuk.

Seeing that He lisa didn't respond for a while, min hyuk frowned and said, "Didn't you say yesterday that you wouldn't refuse any challengers? Are you hesitating now?"

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