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164: Well-Matched

He Lisa still remembered that during the hunting event, there were only boys of around ten-ish years old. Suddenly, they saw such an outstanding and beautiful girl, naturally attracting their attention. Lin Taehyung even commented, "What a beautiful girl! If I say she deserved to be the number one beauty in Shuojing City, no one would object, right?"

"No objections, no objections!"

"I didn't expect that the daughter of Minister Shen, who had such a bad temper, would actually be so stunning."

Minister Shen was known for his sharp and upright personality. He dared to speak directly to Emperor Wenxuan and was very strict in his daily life. If anyone in the court made a slight mistake, they would be reprimanded by him. However, the late emperor once praised Minister Shen for his Wei-like integrity, and the current empress dowager also favored him greatly. With a stable position that could not be shaken, colleagues in the court could only keep their distance. The more isolated Minister Shen was by his colleagues, the more Emperor Wenxuan felt that Minister Shen was a pitifully upright minister, and he treated him with special tolerance.

With such a father with a bad temper, his daughter was remarkably different in appearance. The term "hard to approach" might be used for an old man with a strange and harsh temper, but for a beautiful young girl, it meant she was aloof and not interested in worldly matters.

He Lisa still remembered that although Shen Muxue was a girl and not very old at that time, after the hunting event, when they were counting the prey, when Xiao Jungkook came out to receive the emperor's praise, his cloak fell to the ground. It should have been picked up by his attendants, but the fairy-like Miss Shen walked up herself, held up the cloak, and handed it to Xiao Jungkook.

At that time, the young men were somewhat surprised. Someone sarcastically said, "It's over, it's over. While we were having fun here, this girl has set her eyes on Brother Jeongguk."

"Why would Brother Huai Jin be liked by such a girl? At least leave us some face."

Lin Taehyung sighed while shaking his fan, "Naturally, it's because Miss Shen also judges people by their looks."

He Lisa followed everyone's gaze but saw a young man with a heroic and charming demeanor on horseback and a girl with a reserved and beautiful appearance. Just based on their looks, they could be called a fairy couple, a perfect match.

She silently lowered her head, looking at her empty hands that hadn't caught any prey. Extraordinary people should be with extraordinary people. All she could do was stand aside and watch others in high spirits.

"Brother He?" Chu Jaemin's voice brought He Lisa's thoughts back.

He Lisa came back to her senses and asked, "If Miss Shen traveled all the way to Liangzhou, would Minister Shen agree?"

Minister Shen has only one son and one daughter. Compared to his stern treatment of his eldest son, he pampered his young daughter even more. Shen Muxue appeared obedient and polite, and although He Lisa didn't think it was a sin for a woman to go to a military camp, in the eyes of most people, it was probably considered deviating from norms. Minister Shen, being an imperial censor, couldn't possibly tolerate his daughter acting recklessly like this.

"Miss Shen had set her heart on leaving, and Minister Shen couldn't resist. Moreover," Chu Jaemin smiled, "speaking of it, when General Xiao was alive, he had a close relationship with the Shen family. Minister Shen and General Xiao were good friends. After the incident in the Xiao family, Minister Shen also provided a lot of help. Commander Xiao was young and promising, Minister Shen trusted him, and perhaps..." He paused, "there might have been some thoughts of forming a marriage alliance with the Xiao family."

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