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"Head in that direction! Chase after him!" The leader of the guards pointed ahead, directing the approaching soldiers.

"What should we do now that the Young Master has been killed?" one guard asked in a trembling voice.

"We need to find out who killed him," another guard said.

"It seems like they came for Young Master specifically. Who could it be?"

Who indeed? With all the evil deeds that Young Master had done, there were plenty of people who would bear a grudge against him. It could be someone seeking revenge for the girls he had harmed or someone else entirely. With Young Master dead, the truth might come to light if they caught the culprit.

"What about Miss He?" someone finally remembered He lisa.

"She's probably dead by now."

"Dead or alive, it doesn't matter," the leader said coldly. "It's better that she's dead."

With that one sentence, He lisa's fate was sealed.


A young boy in a blue robe walked calmly past a group of beggars in a dilapidated temple. He casually threw away his wet, old clothes into a long-abandoned well.

She had already changed her clothes during the escape. The spring clothes were worn inside, so she just needed to discard the old outer garments. The headscarf was not necessary to wear, to avoid attracting attention. She felt the wall with her hand, which was now covered in soot. She patted her face with the soot-covered hand, making her overly fair complexion turn darker... like that of a common young boy who often worked outdoors.

But she was still a handsome young boy.

The young boy walked calmly ahead, while the city guards behind were searching for people everywhere. Despite her seemingly relaxed appearance, inside, He lisa was not at ease.

She had fought against Fan Cheng's guards before, and if they paid close attention, they would recognize her figure. Outward appearances could be disguised, but body shape could not be deceived. The city guards in the capital were not useless fools; it wouldn't be easy to hide from them. Even if she hid in a dilapidated temple, a simple inquiry with the beggars would reveal her as a stranger. Moreover, leaving the city was probably impossible since the city gates were most likely sealed by now. For the next month, entering and leaving the city would be heavily scrutinized. If they searched house by house, they would eventually find her.

It was a headache-inducing situation.

As the guards closed in from all directions, He lisa was in dire straits.

Suddenly, she remembered something and reached into her sleeve, pulling out an item.

The paper was wrinkled and almost illegible due to the rain. It was the conscription notice that He Yuta had torn from the wall that day.


The conscription office was set up outside the city, on the open space west of the horse training ground. Many people were there, filling out paperwork, undergoing simple inspections, and waiting for the departure date. This hasty conscription for soldiers to go to Liangzhou probably wouldn't be very strict. It wasn't limited to only young and strong men; unless someone was extremely impoverished, who would willingly suffer for no reason during this peaceful and prosperous era?

Now that she was a wanted fugitive in the capital, it wouldn't be safe for her to stay there. If she were discovered, it could bring trouble to the He family. Moreover, staying in the city wouldn't offer her any benefits. The He family was too far away, and the Xu family was a high-ranking family she couldn't even get close to. She couldn't stand on an equal footing with them and demand her belongings.

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