116: The Youth (Part 1)

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"No wonder back then, when Xiao Zhongwu and his wife's seventh day of mourning had not passed, and no wonder in the Battle of Guocheng Long Valley, you didn't bat an eye when you drowned sixty thousand people. When it comes to ruthlessness, who in Great Wei can compare to Xiao Jeongguk?"

In the dungeon, there was a moment of silence.

Shen Han wanted to say something, but in the end, he didn't say anything at all. The young man stood with his back to the prisoners, his hand clenched into a fist at his side.

But after a moment, he slowly loosened his grip. He turned around, looked at Lei Hou, and said indifferently, "It seems you know what kind of person I am. So you should think carefully," he walked away, his voice cold, "I never give anyone a second chance."

As he reached the door, he happened to see He Lisa and Lin Taehyung standing at the corner. He glanced at them, paid no attention, and left on his own.

No one dared to follow him.

Shen Han had Lei Hou locked up again, whether it was something he had said to Xiao Jungkook or something else, Lei Hou laughed loudly. His laughter echoed in the dungeon, eerie and chilling.

Fei Nu walked out from inside and, upon seeing He Lisa and Lin Taehyung, also looked surprised. He said, "Young Master Lin, why are you here?"

"I thought," He Lisa glanced inside, "since I've fought with Lei Hou before, I might be able to help when the commander interrogates him. So I came to take a look."

"No need, it's already been resolved," Fei Nu replied quickly. "Both of you can go back."

Lin Taehyung shrugged and, seeing that Fei Nu was holding Xiao Jungkook's cloak, he reached out and took it, saying, "This is Jeongguk's clothing. I'll take it to him. I don't think he wants to see anyone right now."

Fei Nu said, "It's not necessary, Young Master Lin."

"No trouble at all," Lin Taehyung said. "I was planning to visit him later anyway."

Fei Nu relented and nodded to Lin Taehyung. "Thank you, Young Master Lin."

Lin Taehyung smiled, then said to He Lisa, "Let's go."

The two of them walked out together.

By the time they came out, it was snowing lightly, and now the snow was falling more heavily. He Lisa was injured and walked slowly, still wearing Cheng Jimin's cloak. Although Lin Taehyung called her "little sister" affectionately, he maintained a respectful distance when they interacted, as if he were deliberately being cautious, even refraining from offering her support as they walked.

However, they were not in a hurry, and they walked slowly.

The snowflakes fell gently, landing on their bodies. He Lisa was lost in thought, thinking about what Lei Hou had said in the dungeon earlier. Unexpectedly, Lin Taehyung spoke up, asking, "Have you heard of the Battle of Guocheng Long Valley?"

He Lisa was taken aback but then replied, "I have."

The Battle of Guocheng Long Valley was the most important battle led by Xiao Jungkook when he took command of the Nanfu troops after Xiao Zhongwu's death. At that time, the entire Great Wei was waiting to see Xiao Jungkook's failure, as a sixteen-year-old youth leading an army against formidable enemies, that even defeated his own father's forces. It seemed like an unwinnable situation.

However, in the first battle, he achieved a resounding victory, and eventually, he completely quelled the rebellion with the Souther Barbarians in just half a year.

"Do you know how he won the Battle of Guocheng Long Valley?"

"He used water tactics."

"You actually know?"

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